I see you all talking about war darts. You may not have caught it, but wardarts were restricted to 4 per stack in the very latest patch. Even ROCKS were reduced. ROCKS.
Throwing before the recent changes, was definitely the easiest thing to do. Currently sure, I'll say it's much harder. As for the actual difficulty itself, in what sense? How long it would take a compltely new player to be able to hold a 1:1 ratio with pure throwing rather than a melee type? I'd argue it wouldn't take nearly as long as 2hand/Polearm would take.
No, as in the current combination of all the risks and downsides to being a thrower makes it a super difficult playstyle. It is easily the most difficult of the ranged playstyles at any rate, and the risk vs reward is no longer balanced. I retired recently to try and repair my build. Holding a 1:1 KD ratio as a dedicated thrower is much more difficult then 2hand/Polearm, you don't become effective until late 20's, and I have been throwing for a long time and am a very skilled thrower.
Athletics melee builds can't take much armor either, not to mention they don't just get close to combat, they have to be IN combat.
The two builds aren't comparable. Agility has speed to make up for less armor. Throwers have no speed to speak of, and is one of the slowest builds.
Or you could take the hammer like every Longbow/Warbow/Heavy Xbow/Arbalest user. It's zero slots, throwers have no more right to complain here than any other ranged.
Doesn't change the fact that the super high wpf need for throwing means you will be even more useless with that crappy hammer.
Surly you can remove 14 wpf and one PT from your build to get 100+ WPF in a melee type. I know several people who would hybrid with zero proficiency in melee, before the patch, and they did just fine in melee(including myself). Sure they couldn't exactly spam people to death, but you're fast enough to fight without a hindrance otherwise.
So you mean "surely you can just stop being a pure thrower and be a hybrid?" No. I don't want to be a hybrid. Throwing is what I enjoy, and what I'm debating is the unreasonable nerfs that have removed a fun and perfectly legit playstyle from the game. There are plenty of other "pure" builds which are able to make use of 10 points in a skill without being useless. My preferred build has been removed from the game for no real reason. If I wanted to play a hybrid character I would roll one up and wouldn't be here.
If you're running out of ammunition 30 seconds into the round and don't have a melee weapon, you're either terrible because you whiffed 28+ throwing weapons, or you were dumb enough not to take the hammer, a zero slot item. Still be alive by paying attention? The exactly does that mean? Are you suggesting "paying attention" is all that is required to avoid a throwing weapon?
28+ throwing weapons? What are you talking about? Not even throwing knives give you 28+ throwing weapons anymore. Jarids give you 1.5 throwing weapons per slot. Axes give you 1. Spears give you 2. The deadliest weapon gives you half a shot per slot. A good shield soaks those right up literally without flinching. You easily run out of these weapons, and since the accuracy is so poor, it is almost like gambling trying to hit someone who is aware of you. Yes, "paying attention" and moving around is pretty much all you need currently. If you die while paying attention, it's because the thrower is a very skilled player and the throwing weapon luckily found its target inside the giant aiming reticule.
To clarify, since you are fighting pretty hard and may not know what it is you're fighting against, I am talking about a dedicated thrower build because that is what I like to play and my ability to play one has been removed. Remove the severe wpf requirement, but increase the needed powerthrow for high tier, or all throwing weapons, improve accuracy and make heir looming increase stack size by one. This is very fair in my mind and would balance it so pure throwers would be possible once more, without turning the game into a giant chuck-a-thon again. It seems balanced, and it's really not much to ask so that a lot of players can enjoy playing the game again.