you have no idea howshiet that weapons are in 1v1
I disagree. If you practice with them they are pretty damn good in a 1v1. I used to duel with the long maul a lot BEFORE it got buffed.
Currently the long maul is slow enough to throw people's timing off, but not too slow where you will get spammed. And using it against a 1-hander works great. Generally after a stab, a 1-hander will retreat a bit. You retreat also while holding your overhead. You're now in perfect range for an overhead and have a crushthrough chambered. As long as you have a decent amount of athletics to keep people at it's best distance, it's a beastly weapon. Kills shielders a HELL of a lot faster than an axe in my opinion. Not to mention that most people don't seem to know that stabbing a mauler is a really, really dumb idea.
I think a lot of people try using mauls like other weapons and then think they are terrible when they do badly. You can't use a maul the way you use other weapons. It's a totally different playstyle.
But back to the thread at hand...
1h stab needed a fix for a long time. It's on par with all the other stabs now. I just don't think people are used to looking out for 1h stabs. If you pay attention to the weapon your opponent is using you can kinda figure out what they're gonna do. If he's using a LEE, he'll probably be stabbing a lot. If he's using a Grosse Messer, he'll probably be swinging more.
If it was a perfect world, ALL stabs would be less retarded than they are, but it is what it is. Given some time, I think everyone will adapt.