My good sir, I share your feelings for honoring agreements. I would personally go to war for an ally no matter the consequences, no matter the enemy. You see the same HoC, under the rule of Bonesaw and his armies, and Almerra in his hands. Yes, Almerra does lie in his possession, for it is his right to own it; but possession of Almerra does not dictate our ruler. Bonesaw offered to turn over Almerra to another, but I for one would rather honor his right to his castle as the founder of my beloved clan. But I must ask you, what about our armies suggests Bonesaw leads them? The decision to attack Unuzdaq and Amashke was made by Jona and myself. I alone have drawn up the plans of attack and will be commanding the sieges this evening. Jona and I have handled the diplomacy surrounding the current conflict. How then is this the same HoC? Led by a different command, decisions made by different people, diplomacy handled mainly by myself...I do not see what you see. But, if indeed you wish to have it proved to you, then I ask you hold off on your assault; you, Raven, and all others affiliated with you, and well as the rest of the waiting and watching world. I know there is already a casualty count on the forums waiting to be tallied for the entitled "HoC vs. Chaos and Raven-Dracul Coalition"; I may make some sad by saying I will do everything I can to prevent such an unfortunate war from occurring. I now look to the leaders of Raven(primarily Turboflex based on your last response, Relit) and Dracul and any others who seek to oppose HoC to be patient while our new clan establishes ourselves. Then, if our future actions suggest we must be opposed, come once more with your armies and do the deed. Let us first prove ourselves. Let us test the diplomatic path and attempt to overcome past wrongs. Give us this opportunity and I swear on my honor and the name of Chulainn you will not be disappointed. What say you to this?