Author Topic: RIP Dedicated throwing  (Read 26666 times)

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Re: RIP Dedicated throwing
« Reply #105 on: May 20, 2011, 03:08:17 pm »
*I say nerf x-bows into the ground, along with what's left of archery AND throwing and lets keep the mod free from ranged butt-piracy once and for all*

Yeah, risen server was melee only last time I went there.
It was basically a variation of the duel server. Almost exclusively 2h with greatswords and polearms.
Great fun...
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The problem is even if you are number 1 in NA you are still only number 467 in EU or the worst in AUS(number 17)

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Re: RIP Dedicated throwing
« Reply #106 on: May 21, 2011, 04:19:10 am »
That sounds boring as hell. Also Gorath, you are so full of crap. Stop whining that I can't 1 one shot people? I get "one shotted" all the time by people with two handers or polearms. They can easily get 10 powerstrike and do that. Why shouldn't I be able to get 10 powerthrow and do the same? You should stay on tuna town if getting killed by ranged gets you so butt hurt that you need to argue about something no one agrees with you on.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2011, 04:29:57 am by Cheap_Shot »
I'll throw even when the weapons are gone. I can always throw punches and throw up.

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Re: RIP Dedicated throwing
« Reply #107 on: May 21, 2011, 05:31:48 am »
I get "one shotted" all the time by people with two handers or polearms. They can easily get 10 powerstrike and do that. Why shouldn't I be able to get 10 powerthrow and do the same?

1)  Blockable vs Unblockable
2)  Vunerable vs Invunerable (Melee range where you can be counter attacked, vs ranged where you are safe from counter attack by a melee weapon)

HUGE difference.

Believe it or not I do just fine playing with ranged because I made the sacrifice of giving all of my characters shield skill and a lame ass shield in order to deal with SOME of it.  Sadly that's taking the gay route in order to defend myself from the OTHER gay route.  Lesser of two evils so to speak.

It only sounds boring as hell because you're one of those ranged favored players that saw "OMG!  MP M&B!  The game with the best melee combat system out today so far!  I know, I'll buy it in order to shoot people instead!"

Yup, I'm a melee elitist, but I'm completely honest about it.  I've had (and still have for testing purposes) an archer, a thrower and an x-bowman so I know exactly how they function and can call bullshit when I see it.  Just like I have a cav so I can call bullshit on the guys that try to say it isn't as easy as we all think it is (Cav is really goddamn easy despite what the lobbyists will tell you.  It is somewhat fun though).  Hell, I ran rampant with my HA before my crusade against that uber lame playstyle as well because it really was that damned easy and retard-lame.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2011, 05:36:48 am by Gorath »
And I should be nice or polite to anyone.... why exactly?

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Re: RIP Dedicated throwing
« Reply #108 on: May 21, 2011, 07:33:24 am »
Have you tried throwing for a few days recently to see what it's like?

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Re: RIP Dedicated throwing
« Reply #109 on: May 21, 2011, 08:25:50 am »
Gorath is never to be taken seriously, don't feed the troll  :lol:

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Re: RIP Dedicated throwing
« Reply #110 on: May 21, 2011, 10:15:59 am »
Now im not going to win any friends with this post, but hey it's a game and the internet, it isnt about winning friends.

To me I knew this was going to happen, some changes were needed to certain weapons for example throwing lances, however the real damage was done by the ignorance surrounding throwing and the lack of empathy from those who did nothing but melee without a shield, namely 2 handers and polearm users, was immense.

Even those who claimed to try it were only brushing the surface of what it actually was. Most of the time, these people claiming to have a thrower/archer/xbow char and who say they know how it all works, are usually just going in to it for about 5 minutes, already convinced it is a no skilled option, it wouldnt matter even if they were proven wrong, their own delusion convinces them that they are in the right before they've even started.

It's funny really, in the very early crpg versions, not long after warband came out, throwing was exactly the same as in native and singleplayer, that is to say it was very fast through the air and it was very accurate once you got to about 120 wpf. This made leading people and getting long shots much easier than now, but it was still very dodgable.

The reason I find this funny is, at the time, hardly anyone played a thrower, least of all a pure one, there was probably me and a couple of others I can remember, yet at that time throwing was more powerful than it has ever been since. But then again those were the days of tin can jim and his huge sword made from a bin.

The problem as I saw it was the stupid upkeep patch and suddenly everyone and his mum was playing throwing, ironic considering that the patch actually lowered accuracy and projectile speeds on throwing, but the damage was done, hybrids were everywhere, although everyone was complaining about pure throwers, hilariously I hardly ever saw any.

So the nerf was definitely expected, but the pathetic complex of melee players, especially the 2 handed masters of the universe types is what erks me the most. When crpg first came out I tried pretty much every style of play there was to be played and in fact I still do have a ton of melee characters, some 2 handed, some polearm, this one was 1 hand with no shield.

I understand the frustration of facing tons of projectiles, I mean we all lived through archer world, but I can tell you now, what you do isnt that hard, in fact, walking around with a big 2 handed sword is possibly the easiest way to rack up kills and in fact melee in general.

I know I know, shielders dont have to block 4 different directions, but when you have the range and speed, it often doesnt matter, afterall I learnt to melee and block with a 2 hander both in single and when warband was released, in native multiplayer, it was what I naturally gravitated towards. It reminds me of the time I read about someone whining because a thrower could block, then change modes and throw and some of the arguments were that blocking isnt that hard so there isnt much skill in that style of throwing, now isnt that interesting? It's as if the very thing many melee'ers tout as being the cornerstone of their skill was suddenly skilless and easy once it became part of throwing.  :rolleyes:

All I can say is, stop pretending you are the be all and end all, you are still the top dogs in this game, you still hit the top of the scoreboard more than any other style of play, so what if you get shot by horse archers, everyone does. Boohoo if 5 archers are shooting you, they do it to everyone, it's annoying yes but that doesnt mean it needs to be removed or destroyed, plus if it was 5 melee people who worked well together like those archers were, you would be just as dead, except you would have the illusion of a chance.
Now I rage too, the difference? I dont then come on here and use that anger as the basis of an opinion, or even worse, a fact.

The point im making is, grow up, stop letting your rage get the better of you, learn to adapt or at least learn to dodge and stop whining about everything that makes your easy mode slightly less easy mode.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2011, 10:20:51 am by Templar_Ratigan »
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Re: RIP Dedicated throwing
« Reply #111 on: May 21, 2011, 12:39:57 pm »
I think the current damage that thowing weapons deal is pretty ok. (with PT of 5 or more you need 3-4 body hits with a throwing spear (best damage after lance and jarid) or one headshot to kill the average opponent). However, the accuracy is insanely crap, atleast with enugh PT to kill at all with your 4 spears. Throwing speed is also too low, now dodging spears can be done by a peasant with 0 athletics.

Imo, Throwing needs a slight buff (as proven by the few people who actually use it) which I think is best done with these changes:
  • Accuracy reduction of power throw should be reduced, making people with higher power throw able to hit something at all
  • Missile speed buff from power throw slightly increased to make it harder to dodge the missiles.

Throwing weapons is something that brings a lot of fun diversity to the game, and its more interesting to play when there are actually some throwers around.
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Offline Cheap_Shot

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Re: RIP Dedicated throwing
« Reply #112 on: May 21, 2011, 05:57:15 pm »
Now im not going to win any friends with this post, but hey it's a game and the internet, it isnt about winning friends.

In this thread? I think there's only one person who wouldn't want to be your friend when you say things like that.

and it's ok, no one likes him anyway. shhh
I'll throw even when the weapons are gone. I can always throw punches and throw up.

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Re: RIP Dedicated throwing
« Reply #113 on: May 21, 2011, 08:53:49 pm »
Gorath is never to be taken seriously, don't feed the troll  :lol:
gorath is no troll, we dont agree alot but he is a good person lol

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Re: RIP Dedicated throwing
« Reply #114 on: May 21, 2011, 09:02:01 pm »
It only sounds boring as hell because you're one of those ranged favored players that saw "OMG!  MP M&B!  The game with the best melee combat system out today so far!  I know, I'll buy it in order to shoot people instead!"

So. Fucking. True.

+, err... -1 for you sir!  :D
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Re: RIP Dedicated throwing
« Reply #115 on: May 22, 2011, 12:50:11 am »
It only sounds boring as hell because you're one of those ranged favored players that saw "OMG!  MP M&B!  The game with the best melee combat system out today so far!  I know, I'll buy it in order to shoot people instead!"

Yup, I'm a melee elitist, but I'm completely honest about it, etc, blah, blah, blah....

+1 from me, noble sir.  (yeah, false courtesy)

This game needs more badass sons of bitches like Gorath and less whining cunts like....well most of the community here.

Edit: sorry, i just realized you're a god damn troll who prefers -1's so..... -1 from me it is....
« Last Edit: May 22, 2011, 12:52:01 am by Gnjus »
Do you honestly think you have any sort of moral authority, Reyiz? Go genocide some more armenians and deny it ever happened, please, and stay in the middle east.
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Re: RIP Dedicated throwing
« Reply #116 on: May 25, 2011, 07:55:00 am »
If Gorath is a badass, then i am Lady Gaga.

Anyone got that picture of him with a fedora and his neckbeard?
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Offline Cheap_Shot

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Re: RIP Dedicated throwing
« Reply #117 on: May 25, 2011, 08:04:03 am »
*I say nerf x-bows into the ground, along with what's left of archery AND throwing and lets keep the mod free from ranged butt-piracy once and for all*

Yeah, risen server was melee only last time I went there.
It was basically a variation of the duel server. Almost exclusively 2h with greatswords and polearms.
Great fun...

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No ranged allowed in Goraths cRPG paradise.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2011, 08:05:11 am by Cheap_Shot »
I'll throw even when the weapons are gone. I can always throw punches and throw up.

Offline Gorath

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Re: RIP Dedicated throwing
« Reply #118 on: May 25, 2011, 08:08:34 am »
If Gorath is a badass, then i am Lady Gaga.

Anyone got that picture of him with a fedora and his neckbeard?

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No ranged allowed in Goraths cRPG paradise.

Oh they're allowed.  As long as they're complete feeble-armed weakling pieces of vile shit befitting the nature of their playstyle.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2011, 08:10:13 am by Gorath »
And I should be nice or polite to anyone.... why exactly?

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Re: RIP Dedicated throwing
« Reply #119 on: May 25, 2011, 09:04:03 am »
Thanks for the nice information on beards, Gorath. Now when I see someone with that retarded looking beard style I can think to myself "ahh, and there we have the famous neck beard, an interesting species isnt it?"

Btw, great cartoon cheap shot  :D
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