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Author Topic: Remove Timer on the Website  (Read 2973 times)

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Re: Remove Timer on the Website
« Reply #30 on: September 19, 2013, 11:40:43 pm »
And your American solution would be for the media to cover up these incidents? Phahaha, where to begin? Sweep the dead kids under the proverbial carpet? Good job, problem solved, freedom etc. 'What's the point in giving these Freedom Shootings all this media coverage, like big deal, it was cool the first 10 times guys...' Forget saving lives, let's just pretend it isn't happening, that's a much better solution, and maybe if we don't report it those damn foreigners will stop making fun of us xD

Is any of this irony getting through? Or are you just seeing stars and stripes on your page? Or maybe my words all blur through your American freedom filter into 'Foreigner! He's a Commi! Exterminate!'.

I'd provide you a link to a few of articles written by highly recognized and expert psychologists of why more publicity only fuels mass shooters, but its hard to find that link.

Again, 1000 dead people is a very small price to pay to prevent the shithole that is much of Europe.  Its funny, I dont see Americans immigrating to Europe, just people leaving your continent en mass for centuries.  Maybe they didnt want people telling them what to do.

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Re: Remove Timer on the Website
« Reply #31 on: September 20, 2013, 07:21:20 am »

- conceive Europe as a single uniform entity instead of a continent with a number of countries that have  different laws, conditions and mindsets

- use "scientific" results of "experts" but linkage to source isn't possible because of reasons

- price of freedom :DDDD
« Last Edit: September 20, 2013, 07:24:25 am by Paul »

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Re: Remove Timer on the Website
« Reply #32 on: September 20, 2013, 01:20:57 pm »
How the hell did a thread on some petty site improvement suggestion turn into a political shitstorm? :? The forums never fail my expectations when it comes to stirring the soup into volcanic mud.

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Re: Remove Timer on the Website
« Reply #33 on: September 20, 2013, 01:29:29 pm »
I'm from Texas. One of the last few great states of shooting stuff.

I've been in the same room at my University as someone who attempted to murder off the class. You know what happened to this guy? He was put down by 2 concealed fire arms handlers, who happened to be students. Thank God or whoever you believe in for those two guys carrying their concealed fire arms. You don't hear about the hero's who have the legal right to carry a gun, and save those around them who are defenseless.

All people care about is a death count and a declining public image.

And yeah, the stereo type of "Redneck Muricuh" could be appropriate here. That's fine. But these two good ol' country boys though, who believe in their right to carry arms, chew their tobacco, and have that southern accent everyone makes fun of, just saved hundreds of lives. Why? Because it's their right to do so.

And ever since that day, I advocate right to bare arms. No questions.

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Re: Remove Timer on the Website
« Reply #34 on: September 20, 2013, 03:29:28 pm »
Vote appears broken. I see neither a "Europe sucks" nor a "guns kill people" option.
I find the idea of defending someone who isn't been violently raped unacceptable on moral grounds.

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Re: Remove Timer on the Website
« Reply #35 on: September 20, 2013, 10:19:15 pm »
I like your point. Premeditation was not what the guy in my experience had.

Apparently, he was the rich inheritance spoiled son of a wealthy oil company family. Parents gave him pretty much anything he wanted, including a gun. Can you see where this is going yet? Apparently though, he snapped one day because someone finally told him what he really was and why anyone likes him, his money.

I break the whole issue down to bad parenting.  Nowadays, it's illegal to use corporal punishment. That's the problem. Kiddies grow up with no fear, no respect, no morals, and especially no common sense. My father was a Japanese immigrant. Stereotypical Japanese honor driven person. Not to mention he joined the U.S. Marine Corps, so if I ever did anything wrong, I got a long boring talk about morals and was thrown a swift beating. I'm the best human being I know because of it.

I'd love to cede from the U.S. union. Texas is one of very few who has the legal right to do so without it being treasonous or an act of war. Thank God for the forefathers. Economy used to be strong enough, that if we did the "nation" would stabilize in a decade or so.

Only problem is, as many laws that are being re-written and reviewed as unnecessary, if Texas ever did split I think the previous agreement would be annulled and Texas would be having to defend against an attempt of forceful annexation.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2013, 12:25:46 am by IngloriouslyBad »

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Re: Remove Timer on the Website
« Reply #36 on: September 21, 2013, 06:06:27 am »
JUst want to add some numbers:
The moderators of the subreddit, which doesn't actually appear to be of the belief that guns are cool, use an expanded definition of mass shooting, listing every event in which "four or more people [including the shooter] are shot in a spree." Under the Reddit definition, a shooting spree that wounds at least four people, but doesn't kill them, is still a mass shooting.

Including Monday's mass shooting, the Reddit list for 2013 is nearing 250 incidents. That's an average of one mass shooting almost every day.

gives a nice recapitulation.
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Re: Remove Timer on the Website
« Reply #37 on: September 23, 2013, 03:07:34 pm »
Or i could get into bomb-making, poisoning, electrifying shit but then we've moved into supervillain territory.

Well, bombs are actually scarily easy to make... just have to know some chemistry (oddly enough one of my chem teachers told me this O.o). I wouldn't know any specifics myself however, since googling that shit would get me thrown behind bars... cuz freedom.

Also, at my school one kid cleared out a whole building by spreading some poisonous fumes (bleach and other easily-purchasable chemicals all mixed into one deadly cocktail). Is that approaching super villain territory? Not at all... sounds like it is, but the truth is if you know where to look its just way too easy to go down that route. The world is a scary place, man.
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Re: Remove Timer on the Website
« Reply #38 on: September 23, 2013, 11:40:20 pm »
If i wanted to kill a load of people right now i'd have to work out (fuck that shit), get a big scary knife (or something) and hope noone in the room knows any self defense, or mobs me, or throws a chair at me, or just mobs me, or survives my clumsy swings, or just mobs me. Or i could get into bomb-making, poisoning, electrifying shit but then we've moved into supervillain territory. Long story short, if i ever go on a rampage my country is essentially safe from me lol. There is a serious point i was trying to make, the only way to kill a ton of people in this country is through extreme premeditation, essentially you'd need to plan and prepare, and learn shit for ages before your spree- so of course you still get some lone freaks who'll try shit, cos they're sick, but because of the amount of time needed to put in no crime of passion, heat of the moment, temporary insanity, can have the same horrific effects as if they could just get a gun and run wild.

if you wanted to you could still get hands on a gun
but you would need connections, and like you mentioned you would have to plan everything and at least one other person would more or less know of your intentions, the guy you buy a gun from, unlike grabbing a gun from your parents closet, which definitely puts you off, as well as many other people thinking "what a fucking horrid day, i feel like killing everybody"
no way you will ever have a shooting for example in the uk, where you hear that the shooter is a bullied school kid who got a handgun from his dads closet as well as enough ammo to hunt fucking whales and shoots 20 people just cause someone insulted him 30min prior to the incident

people using the guns for what they are intended to - to protect themselves and others surely are a good point, but as mentioned, what are the odds that a possible shooter does have a gun if s/he (or parents) wouldnt be allowed to own it in the first place?

and BUMP for linking the timer to this thread
« Last Edit: September 23, 2013, 11:44:02 pm by Switchtense »
For all the non-believers, look no further than this thread for proof that while strat battles are won/lost in NA3/EU3, strat wars are won and lost on the forums.
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Re: Remove Timer on the Website
« Reply #39 on: September 23, 2013, 11:54:40 pm »
Are you talking about the past or now? Cos if you're talking about now then maybe you'd see more Americans moving to Europe if you saw more of Europe lol. I know quite a few Americans living in England atm, and one who wishes he still could.

I will be the judge of this  :mrgreen: I'm Going to Visit old friends in Germany in about 6 days.

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On topic- This Below -_-
The timer does prevent me from logging onto the forums from my derpy phone
« Last Edit: September 24, 2013, 12:03:08 am by Shadowren »
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Away with you, vile beggar.

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Re: Remove Timer on the Website
« Reply #40 on: September 23, 2013, 11:56:25 pm »
The timer does prevent me from logging onto the forums from my derpy phone

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Re: Remove Timer on the Website
« Reply #41 on: September 25, 2013, 06:44:50 pm »
I just noticed that if you first sign into c-rpg.net on your phone and then click the blue banner at the top it takes you to the forums and keeps you logged in. Thus circumventing the problem caused by the timer overlapping the forum log in. I can now post ALL THE TIME