Author Topic: Repair Problems Even After Fix  (Read 1718 times)

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Offline Draulius

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Repair Problems Even After Fix
« on: January 07, 2011, 02:33:05 pm »
The price for repair bills has been greatly lowered. That's cool. But now it occurs much more often, and whether you win or you lose. It might be just me, but I had my items damage like 5 times at and end of a single match 3 times in a row instead of the usual 2 or 1 per round.  Repair happens a LOT now.

Worse,  the auto-balancer continues to balance the players throughout each match, so it's usually teams exchanging wins and losses and I never raise my multiplier as much as I need to cover the repairs and to gain money. I played for hours, with not that great gear, and at the end of the day I had as much as I started with.

It's all about luck now,
Lucky the auto-balance will favor you.
Lucky you won't get bad players.
Lucky your armor won't break often.

What are the chances you'll have that luck?

It's why I neither lost, or gained gold at the end of the day.
It switches between gain gold and lose gold very fast.
Maybe someone would think that's balance. I say it's a waste of time.
Gaining gold, and then losing it. Over, and over, and over.
And tons of repairs one after another non-stop.
Luck has too much influence here.

You'll nearly always have something holding you back. I am tired of having a long streak of wins, just to get unlucky and have about 4 of my items break and lose all the gold I earned...again. They break a LOT, at least one or two after nearly after round.

There has to be something else the developers can do?

Maybe add a gold bonus if you get kills? That way even if you try really hard and lose, your efforts won't be in vain, and you'll still have a way to beat that repair bill even if you don't have a high multiplier.
Maybe set the max amount of items that can break one round to 3, and make it so they're never the same item (hate when that happens).

I am actually losing money now when I wasn't before. I didn't believe that'd be possible, I'm in cheap gear too! What do you guys think?

"I think the chance that items will NOT break is 4% or 5%" - Blaint
« Last Edit: January 07, 2011, 03:27:54 pm by Draulius »

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Re: Regarding Repair After the Fix
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2011, 02:36:32 pm »
i think the chance that items will  NOT break is 4% or 5%.
Nearly after every round i have to pay repair poll.

but it's good that the repair price is now only 5%.
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Re: Regarding Repair After the Fix
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2011, 02:47:04 pm »
I wasn't losing money before the fix, but now I am when my stuff is breaking all the time, no matter what I do. I liked the system better where your stuff don't break if you win, I was trying more hard to make my team win the round :ΓΈ

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Re: Regarding Repair After the Fix
« Reply #3 on: January 07, 2011, 06:09:05 pm »
I think you should include the items you are using in your posts (as Urist said, canned wine is terrible).
For example, I use

Kettle helmet
Haubergeon/Red gambeson (depends on the number of archers)
Mail chausses/Leather boots (same thing here)
Leather gloves
Bastard sword
Kite shield (req. 3)

With this kind of equipment I gain money steadily even when my team is losing which, for some reason, happens in like 70-80% of cases regardless of my efforts (unless I don't kill like 1/4 of the enemy team by myself).
« Last Edit: January 07, 2011, 06:13:43 pm by _JoG_ »

Offline Draulius

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Re: Regarding Repair After the Fix
« Reply #4 on: January 08, 2011, 12:18:01 am »
I think you should include the items you are using in your posts (as Urist said, canned wine is terrible).
For example, I use

Kettle helmet
Haubergeon/Red gambeson (depends on the number of archers)
Mail chausses/Leather boots (same thing here)
Leather gloves
Bastard sword
Kite shield (req. 3)

With this kind of equipment I gain money steadily even when my team is losing which, for some reason, happens in like 70-80% of cases regardless of my efforts (unless I don't kill like 1/4 of the enemy team by myself).

I'm using a scimitar, a knightly khergit shield, a heavy strange helmet, wisby gaunlets, heavy strange boots, and a 1k worth leather chest.

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Re: Repair Problems Even After Fix
« Reply #5 on: January 08, 2011, 12:31:56 am »
have been playing 2 days now... with setup:

steppes helmet
steppes armor
leather boots (those 3 means that max armor repair cost is something like <40 gold)
long sword (300 or so per repair)
siege crossbow
iron bolts (lately changed to normals, wont anyways seem to be killing anything wearing anything with one shot anymore, so why bother.)

and during 2 afternoons i have moved from 4,5k -> 12k ... mostly becouse of last 2hours.. when multiplier finally got over 3x
and resulted in incoming money... before that even with 2x it was mostly just +-0 for 3-4 maps in row...
seem to get 2-4 repairs per round, just wishing its cheap items (aka armor).

well found one link now with update that has several hours later files that i had, ill see if that fixes...

update: seemsed to fix things quite nicely, started to gain some money too.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2011, 03:24:48 am by Trael »