Author Topic: When is nudge better than kick and vice versa  (Read 2798 times)

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Re: When is nudge better than kick and vice versa
« Reply #16 on: August 30, 2013, 06:27:46 am »
Kicks are better for knocking enemies off of cliffs, as you get a kill.  Nudges are better for knocking teammates off a cliff, as you won't be credited a TK.

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Re: When is nudge better than kick and vice versa
« Reply #17 on: August 30, 2013, 07:09:28 am »
I've experienced that nudging a crusthrough user is extremely useful; I saw some hoplite stab at a great mauler and it glanced, then pulled off a shield nudge that sent him back a couple feet, which is perfect distance for the hoplite, props to him. Since then I've been trying to be more agressive against great maulers as you can push them back if they try to overhead them.

Also if you do a neutral nudge (I don't know the correct term heh) on an archer with his crossbow/bow loaded/loading they will fall completely over which is great upclose option on those pesky archers who try to land a shot point blank.
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Re: When is nudge better than kick and vice versa
« Reply #18 on: August 30, 2013, 08:31:13 am »
nudging is ridiculously useful for any 2v1 situation

Nudging is "safer" since you don't lose your movement while you nudge. If you have a competent teamate nearby, nudging will let them hit that pesky enemy with the invincible shield or crazy manual blocking skills. If you are alone, nudges are less useful. The enemy has to recover, but so do you. It leaves you open to attack from other enemies if you are fighting against a group.

Kicks are devestating when they land. 100% chance of knockdown. Goes through shields. But you have to remain motionless while you kick. A good opponent will be able to sidestep or back up and dodge your kick, leaving you stationary and exposed.
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Re: When is nudge better than kick and vice versa
« Reply #19 on: August 30, 2013, 01:20:06 pm »
A good opponent will be able to sidestep or back up and dodge your kick, leaving you stationary and exposed.

Except when you do dodge and the kicker's leg bends through space and time and kicks you anyway.
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Re: When is nudge better than kick and vice versa
« Reply #20 on: August 30, 2013, 10:06:15 pm »
Except when you do dodge and the kicker's leg bends through space and time and kicks you anyway.
you mean something like this?

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Re: When is nudge better than kick and vice versa
« Reply #21 on: August 30, 2013, 11:25:21 pm »
If you've got a pike or longspear and you're about to get gangfucked, hold block and nudge for a great escape technique. The motherfucker that gets nudged will fly back 10 feet.

In addition, if you've got a very weighty polearm like a pike, long-maul, or something similar, you can nudge a plated mauler into the enemy team for great success.
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Re: When is nudge better than kick and vice versa
« Reply #22 on: September 01, 2013, 01:26:36 am »
A kick's as good as a nudge to a blind man.
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Re: When is nudge better than kick and vice versa
« Reply #23 on: September 01, 2013, 01:28:49 am »
Blocking pike nudges are always better than kicks because they send the dude flying if he's swinging and it's just funny in general

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Re: When is nudge better than kick and vice versa
« Reply #24 on: September 02, 2013, 08:06:06 am »
I'm a beginner.. and have no clue what a nudge is and or how to use it.. some kind fo c-rpg feature? all thew 'newbie threads' have loads of information that don't even cover basic assumptions. Not meaning to complain, just actually curious here.

And not so much on topic... is it just me or is there some kind of 'secret' to 'deking' with animation cancels? I see players looking like the defy game physics for how fast they can rapidly change their slice direction.. where when I try to do it with no opponent at all the animations simply dont seem to allow me to do it as fast even with a faster weapon. That's more of a mount and blade MP thing in general though which im all new to as well.

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Re: When is nudge better than kick and vice versa
« Reply #25 on: September 02, 2013, 08:24:54 am »
Well nudging is done by pressing V while holding block, attack, or without either. It basically allows you to gain some separation or interrupt your enemies attack (and grief your teammates). Seeing as it's fairly new and the older guides don't get many updates it's not surprising that they don't mention nudges.

There's a more in-depth guide solely on nudges here

And to address your other problems, I'd suggest taking a look at this post and giving it a good read through if you haven't done so already's-help-and-guides/manual-combat-guide-for-new-players/msg716288/#msg716288

It's a well written guide by a veteran player. Here's a small part of it regarding what I think you were referring to. It's called feinting

FEINTING :  Feinting is the act of switching up your attack directions rapidly to confuse your enemy and throw off their defenses. 

Feinting is basically prepping one attack, and then releasing just like you would in a normal attack, but right after releasing you then hit the RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON to block which cancels your attack, and then you quickly prep another attack from the same direction (pump fake) or from another direction. 

When this is done quickly and smoothly, it can be quite hard for many opponents to follow and block appropriately since they will not know which one will be the real attack and WHEN it will be released.  Be careful though - good players may often see through your feinting especially if you are "over feinting" and execute a swift attack on you instead of trying to read your feints.

It's not too difficult to get a basic grasp of the melee combat in this game, it just takes a lot of time and patience.

Offline stryker montgomery

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Re: When is nudge better than kick and vice versa
« Reply #26 on: September 02, 2013, 08:50:14 am »
Well nudging is done by pressing V while holding block, attack, or without either. It basically allows you to gain some separation or interrupt your enemies attack (and grief your teammates). Seeing as it's fairly new and the older guides don't get many updates it's not surprising that they don't mention nudges.

There's a more in-depth guide solely on nudges here

And to address your other problems, I'd suggest taking a look at this post and giving it a good read through if you haven't done so already's-help-and-guides/manual-combat-guide-for-new-players/msg716288/#msg716288

It's a well written guide by a veteran player. Here's a small part of it regarding what I think you were referring to. It's called feinting

It's not too difficult to get a basic grasp of the melee combat in this game, it just takes a lot of time and patience.

good players can see through when 'over feinting'? lol over-feinting is the only problem I have.. it looks like the person is doing a magic voodo dance that no matter how much I try to do 'the proper inputs of slice canceling' my character can't dance half that speed. But I appreciate the guide nevertheless. Answers my question if their was something special other than doing it magically fast at least.