Hello all
Just for saying in like 10 minutes before Custard Chucker had a score of like - 55 in Eu2 and then he get kicked for ths but just by "m" button because kicks/ban polls wasn't allowed . And after that he came back . In like few minutes ago Cuistard Chucker opened the gate as defender . Also others guys did some tk, ths on purpose and we cannot do something . I played like 3 hours chains and no admins at all . I was ths and then tk by a random guy who I forgot the name and guess what ? He can escape easy, he just got kicked by "m" again .
You certainly ask for why I put that here ? Because it's not a problem about one player, it's a problem about many players who just can do whatever they want because no admin there . I was searching after Erzengel but he wasn't there ( hi Erzy btw
) . No problem with him but since 3 years I asked for be admin in Eu2 but no answers . I m never complaining but this time I just feel mad because no one can help there . And I was just thinking about Erzengel because if I ve got a good memory I didn't see others Eu2 admins from ages so why you don't add more admins in this kind of server ?
I m pretty active in siege and I know the rules . What about put me admin in Eu2 for no problems again like today ? Mayby my post is useless but at least I notice ( me and some friends ) about something wrong.
I hope some guys are feeling like me and want some justice there . Thank you for read me!
Yours Sincerely,