I'm thinking most people want X games not to be too much like Kerbal Space Program, because that's what would happen :s
Give IWar2 a shot, trust me. There is something amazing feeling about Newtonian sims (FE2, IWar2, Evochron Mercenary, and a couple others), than can't be quite described in words. It feels like your ship is dancing.
IWar2 does suffer from some obnoxious gimmick missions, sadly.
Star Citizen will have Newtonian flight mechanics, although I'm skeptical the game will ever come out (given how much the developers have promised).
What I would really like to see attempted is Newtonian flight mechanics with very limited reservoir of propellant, which replenishes gradually over time.
Space games usually suffer from there not really being much strategy involved compared to atmospheric flight. Atmospheric flight has strategy in the form
energy management, whereas space combat games usually have no equivalent mechanic.