I've had only a few glitches. Also, he seems to be playing on console, the peasant.
20 hours in, feels like money well spent.
Mission difficulty is all over the place, though. On standard, you can solo all of them without breaking a sweat. On hard, some of them are challenging, some are barely more difficult than standard. And then you have the Hudson Refugee camp, which feels outright impossibru on hard. Have tried it with 2-3 different groups of people, the 2nd being lvl10-15 - can't get past even the first area, even while cheesing the enemies at the entrance to the place. Get wiped every fucking time by those cleaners just pushing us out of the map.
Dark Zone is fun'ish, though I am yet to see any PvP whatsoever. Would probably have to group up with someone to go rogue myself.