Author Topic: why not allow studded warclub, long iron mace, two handed sword on horseback?  (Read 1873 times)

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Offline skkk

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i have played M&B or CRPG about 3.5y, and i love this game so much.

I think the most fun in M&B or CRPG are playing 2h weapon or being a cavalry!!
The shielder is not so fun cause it have no manual block.
the range class is not so fun cause there are so many better shooting games !!
the 2h weapon have better animation to use good feint than 2h polearn and so more interesting!!

But now,
why we have so less choice be playing the most fun 2h and cavalry at the same time ????   
let's see,
all the weapon we can choice to be 2h cavlary is BSword(HBS) , morningStar , mace(too short to be used on horseback ) , some low tier but bad looking axe , and nothing ....

why not open more 2h weapon on horseback ?
of course not allow those high tier great sword, but like..
studded warclub, long iron mace, two handed sword ,   
they are rare in the battlefield , and can not be buff cause balance issue .
so allow them used on horseback is a good and balanced way i think .

Offline Palurgee

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buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h buff 2h

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Those weapon would be OP on horseback once you hit someone. All the other ones actually make sense to be used on horseback. Holding a heavy ass iron mace in one hand doesn't seem right.

Offline skkk

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Those weapon would be OP on horseback once you hit someone. All the other ones actually make sense to be used on horseback. Holding a heavy ass iron mace in one hand doesn't seem right.

In terms of game balance , your words do not make sense.
Compare with morningStar and persian battle axe which can be used on horseback:

weapon length: 82
weight: 3.7
difficulty: 14
speed rating: 92
weapon length: 82
thrust damage: 0 pierce
swing damage: 38 pierce
slots: 2
Bonus against Shield 

Persian Battle Axe
weapon length: 95
weight: 4.7
difficulty: 17
speed rating: 90
weapon length: 95
thrust damage: 0 pierce
swing damage: 48 cut
slots: 2
Bonus against Shield

and look at the most heavy and powerful weapon of my suggestion

Long Iron Mace
weapon length: 95
weight: 4.5
difficulty: 14
speed rating: 92
weapon length: 95
thrust damage: 20 blunt
swing damage: 33 blunt
slots: 2
Can't use on horseback

Long iron mace have so much lower damage than Morningstar(38p>33b) and persianBattlePaxe(48c>33b,no doubt ),
identical length with persian battle axe , identical speed with Morningstar, and less 0.2 weight than persian battle axe!! do you think now holding a heavy ass iron mace in one hand doesn't seem right ??
By the way, we all knew morningSar have how superior damage on horseback, and even it can be with SHIELD!! 

in conclusion , we dont have any reason to forbid the long iron mace used on horseback , of course , studded warclub and two handed sword should not too !
hope devs see it and forgive my english.

i love m&b or Crpg so much , but i have played Crpg too long time to choice the new and intersting  class for me. please give the old players like me more fun , thx devs.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2013, 03:42:39 pm by skkk »

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I would support the warclub cuz it's a gorgeous weapon!
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Offline Prpavi

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I would support the warclub cuz it's a gorgeous weapon!

and Weaboo too  :wink: :mrgreen:
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It has knockdown, that's why.

Offline Jarold

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Morningstar is shorter and it doesn't have knockdown. The Persian battle axe is really slow, the iron mace is faster. I don't think any blunt two handers should be used on horseback too OP.

Just because you're bored doesn't mean you can only have fun by making 3 more weapons useable on horseback. Try Warhammer, military hammer, or in fact all the one handers! But I guess you want easy mode not fun mode like you "say" you want.

Offline skkk

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Morningstar is shorter and it doesn't have knockdown. The Persian battle axe is really slow, the iron mace is faster. I don't think any blunt two handers should be used on horseback too OP.

you ignor the hug damge difference between LImace and MorningStar or PBaxe,
and focus on the tiny 2 speed difference between LIMace and PBaxe, resonable ?
MorningStar is shorter ,yes , but can be with shield. i think it's quite fair for both could be used on horseback!!
Although LongIronmace is 2h blunt weapon which can knock down, but its state is absolutely weaker than LImace and morningStar, and furthur , so many 1h blunt weapon useable on horseback can knock down , too

Just because you're bored doesn't mean you can only have fun by making 3 more weapons useable on horseback. Try Warhammer, military hammer, or in fact all the one handers! But I guess you want easy mode not fun mode like you "say" you want.

Do you have any sense about cavalry ?
everybody knows how strong the 1h cavalry , and how suck the 2h cavalry , if i want to play cavalry easily , i will choice the 1h cavalry.
the reason i want to suggest the 3 more weapon useable on horseback is just i want the game more variety  , i want to use different and reasonable class to make fun.
It's time to add variety of 2h cavalry .

As i say, LongIronMace ,studded warclub, and two handed sword useable on horseback are diverse and reasonable ,
please devs.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2013, 07:14:19 am by skkk »

Offline Jarold

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Longsword is practically the same on horseback as the two handed sword so you would see no difference. Blunt weapons just seem really out of place on horseback. There's only one non cut two hander I believe and that's the Morningstar, which is really short and puts you in danger close situations. Also Morningstar sucks with a shield its speed and damage gets gimped immensely.

They already stretched it by letting the Persian battle axe, and others like it, to be used on horseback, even though it's slow and it's short. But we don't need anymore weird/OP weapons on horseback.

I actually don't care if the two handed sword were to be used on horseback, but it would make it the longest weapon on horseback. So that is a deciding factor.

Offline skkk

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Longsword is practically the same on horseback as the two handed sword so you would see no difference. Blunt weapons just seem really out of place on horseback. There's only one non cut two hander I believe and that's the Morningstar, which is really short and puts you in danger close situations. Also Morningstar sucks with a shield its speed and damage gets gimped immensely.

i have played longSword , bastardSword(HBsword), greatAxe..etc 2h cavalry for 6 month, although 2h cavalry is hard survived than 1h cavalry but i still love it, and it's time to add diversity of 2h cavalry.Also i guess you never played 2h cavalry:
morningStar is suffer the same penalty with shield or not , only different on using different WPF.Same as longSword, bastardSword(HBsword).

They already stretched it by letting the Persian battle axe, and others like it, to be used on horseback, even though it's slow and it's short. But we don't need anymore weird/OP weapons on horseback.

persian battle axe is slow and short , so usable on horseback ?
let's see below:

Great Axe
weapon length: 96
weight: 3.2
difficulty: 15
speed rating: 94
weapon length: 96
thrust damage: 0 pierce
swing damage: 46 cut
slots: 2
Bonus against Shield

Long Iron Mace
weapon length: 95
weight: 4.5
difficulty: 14
speed rating: 92
weapon length: 95
thrust damage: 20 blunt
swing damage: 33 blunt
slots: 2
Can't use on horseback

GreatAxe is absolutely win LongIronMace in all but still can be used on horsback.
Yes , yes, i know you will say:"no matter speed, length ,and damage, they are shit.
2 handed blunt weapons which can knock down SHOULD NOT be used on horseback!!!"

It has knockdown, that's why.

let's see:

weapon length: 70
weight: 2
difficulty: 8
speed rating: 98
weapon length: 70
thrust damage: 0 pierce
swing damage: 28 blunt
slots: 1

this guy can be used on horseback even it is blunt weapon and have knock down tag!!

I actually don't care if the two handed sword were to be used on horseback, but it would make it the longest weapon on horseback. So that is a deciding factor.

i guess you never play 2h cavalry(it's really fun, try it)

Practice Longsword
weapon length: 117
weight: 1.5
speed rating: 94
weapon length: 117
thrust damage: 14 blunt
swing damage: 18 blunt
slots: 2
Secondary Mode

Shortened Military Scythe
weapon length: 112
weight: 2.2
difficulty: 10
speed rating: 90
weapon length: 112
thrust damage: 27 pierce
swing damage: 39 cut
slots: 2

they are both can be used on horseback and longer than twoHandedSword.

In conclusion, we dont have any reason to forbid studded warclub, long iron mace, two handed sword on horseback, and they are exactly so so much rare in battlefield , and for the main reason, diversity of game , we should really allow it used on horseback . please devs.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2013, 10:04:14 am by skkk »

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Maul on horseback, its small and slow and does'nt do that much dmg

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Well, I think cavarly need nerfing anyway!  so fuck your ideas and fuck CAVARLY! one thing I hate about this game is Mellee Cav, SO NOOBIE! Only go for ppl who r not looking at you so you can frag up on your noobie back stabs cause u cant actually fucking play!