How is it fair that a single admin can make a final decision on something, I think that is totaly one sided, I think there should be atleast 3 admins to make a final decision on something, IE Bann, And also be left for a few days to gain actual evidence to support the case, For E.G I got trolled by Skoff_Biff on Eu_7 and IG_Saint being his friend decides to justify me messing about with Skade a few rounds before Biff had even joined the server as a fact for me trolling and automaticlly refuses my bann request and on top of that tells me that I should be lucky I dont get banned for intentional team wounding, Now The only Intentional team wounding I did was with Skade, And Skade made no complaint if he had I would of stoped, As it was ajoke on both sides. Now For Skoff_Biff pushing me out of my way on DTV and then kicking me while im in the corner, after I have asked him to move and kicked him back, to then get polled for that by Biff. How is that me trolling? Im not playing the game anymore and if anybody wants my +3 nomad bow msg me and you can have it as I really dont have time for ass holes anymore. too many noob admins who havnt played this game long enough.