Author Topic: what is your opinion on range?  (Read 3000 times)

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Re: what is your opinion on range?
« Reply #15 on: August 18, 2013, 01:15:08 pm »
There is a logical fallacy that people continue to repeat. Complaining about ranged does not mean people think they should not exist at all. I agree archers and xbows have their place in the game, but their implementation is sorely lacking, and the dev team mostly just got landed this awesome game in their lap and don't know what to do with it
If you have ranged troubles use this:

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Re: what is your opinion on range?
« Reply #16 on: August 18, 2013, 08:18:43 pm »
remove the pve ranged stagger, and im fine with ranged.

This would eliminate the purpose behind having a low damage archer. When I'm not shooting ponies, xbows, other archers, and throwers, I'm spending my time pulling a mob of 5 infantry chasing 1 of my poor guys down off of him or stunning a shielder from the side so my 2 handers can take him down. Without the stun that would never work. I may as well go full damage and not even bother with any of the lower tier bows at all.
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Re: what is your opinion on range?
« Reply #17 on: August 19, 2013, 08:21:21 pm »
I think arrows should interrupt a swing (like any hit will do), but they shouldn't stagger you.
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Re: what is your opinion on range?
« Reply #18 on: August 19, 2013, 08:35:49 pm »
I think arrows should interrupt a swing (like any hit will do), but they shouldn't stagger you.

try to get shot IRL and keep going as if nothing happened. The amount of non-realism in this game is quite sufficient, I'd say, let us keep the last few morsels of reality in it. 
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Re: what is your opinion on range?
« Reply #19 on: August 19, 2013, 08:44:58 pm »
try to get shot IRL and keep going as if nothing happened. The amount of non-realism in this game is quite sufficient, I'd say, let us keep the last few morsels of reality in it.

I'm not going to disagree, but if that's the case, than almost every weapon in the game should stagger you when you are hit.  Certainly getting hit with a heavy axe is going to physically stagger you more than being hit with an arrow...

Also notice I didn't say "you keep going as if nothing happened", I said that it should still interrupt your attack/block (as getting hit with any weapon will do).   
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Re: what is your opinion on range?
« Reply #20 on: August 20, 2013, 08:32:06 am »
At least devs didn't give back jump shots, that was most unrealistic thing in archery. I hope it won`t come back. Archery is better without it :)
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Re: what is your opinion on range?
« Reply #21 on: August 20, 2013, 04:04:29 pm »
At least devs didn't give back jump shots, that was most unrealistic thing in archery. I hope it won`t come back. Archery is better without it :)

Good boy.. good boy
I've never played a server where people split up as much or as often as on EU1.  No wonder range is having a field day.

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Re: what is your opinion on range?
« Reply #22 on: August 20, 2013, 06:33:59 pm »
Ranged isn't really overpowered, but sometimes I feel like there are just way too damn many of them, especially when they are mostly on one team.  I'm sure it's been suggested before, but I think there should be some sort of class balancer.
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its ok though, now i have more time to - all the posters i dont like
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Re: what is your opinion on range?
« Reply #23 on: August 20, 2013, 06:52:10 pm »
Chosen class balance (or just a revamp/fix of banner balance) has been suggested literally 1000s of times, and I'd wager a dozen or more threads have been created about it.  This going back at least 2 years.  Nothing's been done about it however.
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Re: what is your opinion on range?
« Reply #24 on: August 21, 2013, 12:17:35 pm »
I don't think chadz wants a class-based balance. At least I remember something like this when it was discussed a long time ago. That is a major gameplay decision chadz or cmp would have to make. Even if they'd approve it there would be the problem how to integrate it into the current score and banner balance system. Would it get priority above the others?

Anyway, whenever someone feels the need to make statements like "This or that was suggested x years ago and it's still not implemented. Outrageous." should consider that it wasn't because we don't want to or simply are not able to.

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Re: what is your opinion on range?
« Reply #25 on: August 21, 2013, 01:28:28 pm »
This would eliminate the purpose behind having a low damage archer. When I'm not shooting ponies, xbows, other archers, and throwers, I'm spending my time pulling a mob of 5 infantry chasing 1 of my poor guys down off of him or stunning a shielder from the side so my 2 handers can take him down. Without the stun that would never work. I may as well go full damage and not even bother with any of the lower tier bows at all.

there is a difference between stagger and stun... the stagger is just silly long, also your argument is flawed since you could just replace archer with 1 hander and say , they should have a stagger since otherwise a low damage 1 hander would be useless...
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Re: what is your opinion on range?
« Reply #26 on: August 21, 2013, 03:57:39 pm »
Paul banner balance has been a pretty big issue since it was implemented.  I'm not going to list all the pro's and con's here, but it allows for factions to "pub stomp"   It's a big reason why people complained about archers or horse archers/xbows (because there would only be 5 horse xbows in game, and they all had the same banner, so they were all on the same team).  Which I believe the banner balance system has influenced a lot of the nerfs that have happened over the years.  I don't care if it's class balance that's implemented, but it shouldn't be solely based on banner balance (or mainly based).  The balance system has been borked since it was implemented, it's been discussed ad nauseum, and I really don't want to drum up all the arguments this early in the morning (for no real reason anyways, as you say it wasn't changed for a reason). 

IMO the balance system should be weighted (from top to bottom) something like this (with banner balance being the ultimate goal, but not at the expense of these variables):

character level
class/equipment equipped
K:D of last 5 or 10 maps

And if it can make fair teams with those variables and still allow people of the same banner to play on the same team, great.  But I don't think those variables should be put aside just so people with the same banner can play on the same team.  Relatively fair teams should be more important in public servers.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2013, 04:01:02 pm by CrazyCracka420 »
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Re: what is your opinion on range?
« Reply #27 on: August 21, 2013, 07:25:25 pm »
Crossbows have always pissed me off, causing me to go into extreme nerd-rage. I mainly hate them because simply how easy they are to get kills. The damage combined with the accuracy results in a class that takes very little effort. Probably the easiest class to get a good KD with, IMO.

I've always been content with throwing until recently when this new NA1 jarid trend became a thing. Holy fuck, are these things awful to have against you. Ridiculous missile speed with hilariously high pierce damage. However, the real killer is that godawful noise it makes when throwers are tossing those evil pointy sticks at you and you're void of a shield.

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Re: what is your opinion on range?
« Reply #28 on: August 24, 2013, 06:16:24 am »
Ban all ranged.

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Nerf everything. Buff naked fist fights.

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Re: what is your opinion on range?
« Reply #29 on: August 24, 2013, 07:21:28 pm »
Ban all ranged.

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Throwers don't count.


The problem, as mentioned before, seems to be that -- at least some of the time -- you get a high confluence of archers on one team, while the other can have a drought of them.  This is especially pronounced when the population is low, which leads to some people saying (and get this, it's good) that archery is overpowered.  The more archers you get on one team, without being checked by the other team's archers, the more probability these archers have of getting kills, simply from saturation.  While it would be nice if teams could be balanced to the point where each team has the same, general, distribution of archers (by level and gear, leaving only skill the deciding factor), as Paul said: it's a big change, it doesn't seem like something cmp or chadz want, and who knows what anger the Warband gods will unleash if we dare touch balance any more.

Really, I'd just like to see a decent 0-skill shield that's useless -- or nearly so -- against melee strikes, but can block ranged relatively well, if you point it in the right direction.  Should be heavy, to balance out the sheer effectiveness of such an implement, and make you turtle-slow, but it would give more legitimacy to the statement of 'IF you are mad, THEN get a shield.'