1h/shield is a great class. It takes a lot of skill to master it.
2h/pole is way stronger attack and gets more kills. That's why more ppl play it. You also need to be good at blocking to be survivable...but you don't have to be very skilled to kill.
1h/shield is good for new players, because its easier to stay alive. The longer you are alive, the more chance you have to learn and do damage.
1h/shield is also good for veteran players, because it takes a lot of skill to master. 1h/shield is the most strategic class I think. You have to pay a lot of attention to where you position yourself, how to shield your allies, who is attacking from where, and when to strike. I think of shielders in crpg as if they are rooks in chess. They can block entire areas with their presence. Also, even though they do less damage...they are more resilient and can hold ground for much longer. A newer player can tie up 2 or 3 players with 1 shielder for a long enough time to make a difference in a battle. A veteran player has a good chance of killing those 2-3 enemies.
Shielders = good for beginners and great for veteran strategic players. Though not as flashy as 2h/pole.