Both PS4 and X1 are too expensive for my tastes. Even so, most of their games I will already be able to play on my PC. The launch games are underwhelming and PS4 won't get many good games until next Spring at least. X1 has a better launch, but in the long run, it's just going to get PC multiplats so it's already done for me. Going to wait a few years to see if it's a better deal. I can't stand FPS on consoles.
Having tons of fun with my 3DS, so I don't have much use of a Wii U right now. I am currently waiting for a deal I can't pass up or when the next smash brothers comes out, whichever comes first. There's only a few games I want currently, but it's not enough to warrant a purchase, especially when there are many more 3DS games as well as my current PC backlog. I am looking forward to Bayonetta, X, Fire Emblem x SMT, etc. next year. Wonderful 101, Super Mario 3D World, and Pikmin 3 I may get if I find them cheap.