The swing animation of a GLA (when it doesn't skip frames anyway) isn't faster but you can safely hit with it much earlier than with any 1h, making it effectively faster, I think that was the point.
indeed, also the hiltslashing...
P.S i was talking about long bardiche, but the effect is practically the same...
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loginweapon length: 103
weight: 1.5
difficulty: 12
speed rating: 99
weapon length: 103
thrust damage: 29 pierce
swing damage: 27 cut
slots: 1
cost: 10434
visitors can't see pics , please
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loginweapon length: 140
weight: 3.5
difficulty: 17
speed rating: 89
weapon length: 140
thrust damage: 18 pierce
swing damage: 45 cut
slots: 2
cost: 6934
Can't use on horseback
Bonus against Shield
imho, speed rating as of now is completely useless because it doesnt have practically any impact over long weapons.