yea nice message, Im a whiny bitch? Ok heres what happened. He hit me 3 times I told him to stop! And he killed me, So I then said what the fuck why did u do that u idiot!. left it for 5 minutes and he hit me again! So i told belda to tell him to sort it out! THEN! I get told to shut up plz, So I told skoffina to fuck off why u telling me to shut up nothing to do with you, Then U start calling me a kid and a dumb bundle of sticks and being abuse, then heskeytime polls me and fails, then skoff alec polls me! Yea im a whiny bitch? Ok mate i might be whining but i got a reason, U cant just go around being a complete tosser and think people will just let you do it. If that was you in that situation you would of whined.