Well, then its your fault for sporting 150 wpf in bow and 8 power draw. Either get a balanced build or get raped in melee.
Besides I have 50 wpf in one handed and 3ps on my ranged alt and I am able to defend decently with my military sickle.
AHAH this nonsense again.
Sure, when you wanna play a class that happens to got nerfed its your fault, right ? The nerf itself is not the problem at all, you should just forget about playing that class and leave it be.
You can go "pure melee" and you get an ez mode killing machine that has loads of survivability and a fuckton of damage, still well sufficient attackspeed at the cost of movementspeed. Hybridizing in any form is not even required to have a fullscale build here.
If you go "pure archer" however, with 8 PD at 150ish wpf you got a build that can hit hard at the cost of: movementspeed, attackspeed, accuracy and meleedamage, or in short, EVERTHING other than ranged damage. Survivability is still low since the armor weight limit still applies and 150 wpf is barely enough for high tier bows. Dont even think about hybridizing with 8 PD.
In that regard, yes. Going pure archer with the current balance is your own fault because it is nerfed into oblivion, which is a balance problem and deserves to be complained about.