buff heavy lance again.... it is ridiculous. no profesional cav anymore. only light cav bundle of stickss. and idiotic people with like a great lance on a horseback with not even skill in polearms. so this isnt how it shoud be becouse where is the thing that you are specialy trained for being a knight or rider. It makes you feel like a bundle of sticks on horseback. You destroy the game with your nerfs. i mean you nerf the bump damage the heavy lance. and also the speed. see no point in being cav at the moment. And i think many people think like this. btw rest in peace strategus with that nerves. team play is how it was in medieval times. and not like i am the best i have to kill everybody and this why you have so many children 2 hander in your mod. who are not up to learn how to play. who has the luxury of range with theay re weapons. ahlpike also retarded. what about make every horse 1 hit and makeing heavy horses 2 hit and make all the nerfes what you did back to nativ. and every bump is a one hit. woud be match better then how it is now. and then we come into the situation where throwing is totally OP also. becouse theay makeing allready alot damage on horses.