1. Name of your character involved : Algarn
2. Name of offending character(s) : Darklolz
3. Time and server, as accurately as possible : EU4 , 27/07/2013, 15:25
4. Written description of what happened, the whole story. Also what happened before and after.
This guy was insulting every player that killed him or dueled, and when Antonio beaten him , he made a ragepoll.
5. Why you think the offender did what he did.*
This guy is a known troll. You can even see his trolling in french sections. He's muted now.
6. Multiple Screenshots
first , a screen where he insults Riddaren by saying noob after kill him, even if "noob" is not an insult.
and , the most important one , the ragepoll
7. Names of players that can witness what happened.**
Me , DKG_Antonio, and Praetor for the ragepoll , and Bloody_Riddaren , Pawiu_Joannits , and Xynox about trolling and insults.
About insults , I have only 1 screen , but if you check logs , you will see he was obviously trolling/insulting/harrassing here.