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Offline sJimmy

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« on: July 14, 2013, 07:17:24 pm »
New Ambean
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Jimmy, Marshal of the Southern Army. Lord Commander from the New Qalyut Republic, sitting atop his Rouncey contemplates whether should he should attack this miserable village of New Ambean…

Days earlier a rider had approached from the south. The rider happened to be a friend, the young lad Sparvico.

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The two greeted each other and proceed to enter the hall of New Qalyut. The servant, Tanken, enters and offers drinks to quench their parched throats. Jimmy then sits down in his rocking chair as they both sip there minty beverages.

The rider, Sparvico, notices a wooden table is missing from where it had last stood upon his prior visit. It was not like any other ordinary table for it was finely crafted, its legs a nice dark color. Blackest he had ever seen. Since last he had seen the Lord was in his old Hall at New Bulugur. Sparvico, ponders whether to mention it missing.

“I know what you’re thinking. It is indeed gone. The finest of wood in all the land, by god it’s in a better place I hope.” Lord Marshal Jimmy mutters. “So speak young lad what news do you bring me?” 

“A message Ser.” Answers Sparvico.

Sparvico upon finishing his glass, raises the crystalline figure in approval to Jimmy, and proceeds to wonder where he should place the now empty glass since the fine table he had last seen was now gone. He gives Jimmy a puzzled look, "Where...?"

"Take it with you. A gift if you will." Jimmy replies as he lulls slowly in his chair, slowly examining the rider. Sparvico nods a short bow, and leaves the hall. As he mounts his horse to return to the west, he wonders again where could the table have gone...

Jimmy looks upon the scroll bearing the seal of the Lancier General, Inglorious of Les Chevalier Occitan. Unravelling the messengers scroll, jimmy read the message in the friendly courteous tone he knew to be Inglorious:

"My friend and Shield Brother Jimmy,

Upon discussion with the council, your presence is requested by Marshal Bonsai to arrive at his castle in three days hence to recieve rearmment..."

But why would would I need to arm my regiment... Is the lands not at peace?

"Your house is being called to arms. It seems your banner is fit to see war again my old friend. Once more shall you charge forth and give your enemies a taste of cold refined steel. We shall meet again soon." The message ended with the signature of the Lancier and a small scribbling of what looked like two prominent figures brethren fisting.

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The Lord Marshal takes a moment to take in what he had just read My regiment is being mobilized... But where would we march. Who would we be fighting... The remembrance of foes he had faced in battles long passed and the many lives that were lost in defense of the pilgrimage lands shivered Jimmy to the bone.

He sighs, laying the message to rest in his lap as he continues to slowly rock in his chair, looking towards the ceiling where numerous banners and war trophies hung like memoirs... Defender of the Western Front... Peoples Champion of the South East Desert... Names that had been coined from his military exploits. Standing against hordes of beastly adversaries whom invaded his homeland in the steppe, threatening the lives of the common man. It was not enough to though, and he remembered watching his nation be felled by repeated defeats... Even when the strongest of walls of the capital city came crumbling down, that were said to be unbreachable, he inspired men with courage from what little hope remained.

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His mind was darkened by what he thought was failure as he was rendered useless against the mass oppression that descended upon the land. From the ashes of defeat, he led the survivors of his company to whisk away the common folk from the onslaught, receding deep into the desert. A "Hero" they called him... the words defeat... failure... oath breaker... plagued his self-image. No one who survived blamed him for leading the lives of his men and the people to safety. No one thought of it as selfish will to live. Wounds of old began to sore as he dwelled on the subject...

The Lord Marshall rises from his chair and stretches his weary limbs, looking to the guard by the door. "Assemble the army". With a short nod the guard dissapears to the barracks.

Jimmy approaches his armaments rack and passes his hand longingly along the surfaces of the many items before him...

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Dawning his armor and fastening his sword he steps into the courtyard of bustling village where his men begin to form rank and check their gear, many of them unaware of what exactly is happening or the Lord general had stepped onto the scene. Could this perhaps be another formation training... many of them thought. "Do we have to do this again? This is the third time this week, I'm getting tired of training for war when we have no enemy to fight..."

"Well then, you will have your war soldier. Now step into formation, look lively now, we haven't the time. We have been called upon once again to defend the honor of our house and banner." Explained the Lord Marshal.

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"Captain, I need a contingent of the men to stay behind and link up with Lord E'Zink of the Occitan." Yes ser "Sergeant, have your men help escort the serfs as we march to the Rock."

The Rock ser? "Weyyah Castle lad"

The army Marches out of Qualyut... What's to become of it in his absence he wondered...

The gates of New Weyyah Castle open wide. Trumpets play in the background as the Lord Commanders army enters the Castle. As he enters the hall he is greeted by another old Shield Brother once inside the keep ,Marshal Bonsai or Chevalier. They both take their seats upon a small bench in the hall. Bonsai begins quickly, “friend if you could allow me to rearm you men” “Be my guest” replies Jimmy. "Hmmmm...." Bonsai then gets up to open the chest in the corner of the hall. He procures from inside this chest a scroll. He strolls over and hands this scroll to sJimmy. In a wise voice “Here are your orders, friend. Your army should be fully equipped by tonight. Enjoy the local Brothel while you're here. Ser SHinCOCK says it’s the best in the land.” Well, I better oversee the equipment checks... and polish my spetum again, damned thing nearly lost it's shine from the last plated charge it brought down. Good luck my friend." and he scuttled off down the hall towards the barracks..

Jimmy wanders the castle moving into the hanging gardens on the Castle where he finds a seat acrossed from a pretty red headed lass. Yeah... I'm definitely going to need to revisit Weyyah... he thought to himself before unraveling the paper in his hand. He reads to himself in the French accent he knew to be of the mighty Duquessa Arrowaine, “Dearest friend of old, you are to go North though the lands of the old Empire. To the green fields of madness at Fort Rondel and await my messenger ravens." A short message. ... messenger ravens? Why not pigeons like any normal person.  He always thought of the Duquessa as a weird one. The look of a women yet the voice of a man "hmm... whatever" he thought. With a last glance at the lass across from him, he signals for his men to assemble for the long march north, all to await orders at yet another castle.

Encamping in the greenest of fields in chaos lands just outside the destination, Jimmy watches strangest of birds fly over head far out of arrows reach... The army is hailed by a young looking scout boy upon a saddle horse in the distance. "What the hell is this?" asks the scout. As the scout drew nearer, the Lord Marshal recognized that this was not a boy scout at all... "Well, fancy you coming to welcome us to your lands, Panda." The not so "boy" scout squeaked with excitement “JIMMY!” in a girly voice. An old friend of a different past... “What brings you here" she asks after dismounting and embracing Jimmy. “War” Releasing grasp upon the Lord Marshal, her eyes grow sad knowing what fate his banner men await.  “Don’t look so sad child, I’ve brought gifts”. Her eyes widen happily thinking what it could be.
“Here, the game is called 10 pens. See, like this. You roll a ball down a narrow path attempting to strike ten pens down. It comes from the land of Bowlers” explained Jimmy. “There sure know how to have a good time I tell you what. Do me a favor would you lass? Deliver a message to their leader, You know, the one whom says constantly 'you’re doing a great job'. Thank him for the fun and games." The scout Panda nods. "That's a good girl... Goodbye Panda, farewell friend.” The scout remounts her horse before any tears were to be seen, and rides off into the fields. He thought silently to himself that would most likely be the last time to see her. A tear rolls down the cheek, but is brushed away. No time for tears or regrets.

Sure enough, Arrowaines message did come. And by an awkward looking bird... Not sure if Raven... Not like any Pidgeon... Jimmy thought to himself. A soldier piped up, "It's a canary ser, they breed wild in these parts. The mighty Duquessa must have known it would find it's way back home."

Reading the orders sent... he crumbles the message and drops it into the grass. "Men, we ride North." The encampment was gone before nightfall. The final destination... New Ambeam.

Before the attack another raven-... uh... canary bird appeared bearing the seal of Arrowaine. The content of this message was short and to the point. “My good friend the time is now. The Mighty Arowaine of Les Chevalier Occitan, is behind you. Give them hell! Make the FCC vassal scum pay.” Jimmy relays the message to the men, in an attempt to inspire will. Knowing many of themselves would not live to see the day of victory, many remained silent. No cheers, no yells. Jimmy gave his own speech then...

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“Today is good day to die, but better we should live for "Freedom" by making our enemies die, before we do. I'm to guess that our sword arm will hurt from over use!” Snickers of laughter and guffaws errupt from the men. " Let us become victorious and valiant once more as we engage the enemy! Let their red haired fire dragon Kesh's insults fall upon deaf ears! We will be chivalrous in victory and defeat! Do not fear the beasts. If it bleeds, we can kill it! In there we have the chance to show the world that we truly are the Sons of Man!" Cheers of pride and vigor swell throughout the ranks.

The last words of the speech were yelled in unison by the brave Jimmy's men, and shall be remembered even unto their glorious ends...

The words echoed for miles and into history as the first siege of the war to end conflict in American Calradia...
"By what you decide to do every day you will be a good man or not." – Knights Hospitaller, 2nd Crusade

Offline Bittersteel

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Re: War
« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2013, 07:20:40 pm »
Rouncey? Haha, that's almost as old as Vibe's profile picture. Nice roleplay tough.

Offline Gmnotutoo

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Re: War
« Reply #2 on: July 14, 2013, 07:20:50 pm »
The RP is amazing in both posts, good work guys.
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Offline Sparvico

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Re: War
« Reply #3 on: July 15, 2013, 03:10:17 am »
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Dat mustache.
Mossback_Westwood: "I swear 2 my semitic God if you give me this bundle of sticks's address I'll cut off his ear and eat it"

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Offline CrazyCracka420

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Re: War
« Reply #4 on: July 16, 2013, 04:56:27 pm »
You took New Ambean, but looks like you got one hell of a last stand fight tonight
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 - Stolen from Macropussy

Offline Gristle

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Re: War
« Reply #5 on: July 16, 2013, 09:15:45 pm »
Gristle was still getting settled as Lord of Sargoth when the news came. Occitan was no longer distracted by the Hounds, and was finally sending their armies. The real fighting would soon begin. It was happening. Gristle was given a simple task: rouse an army and march for Ambean. This was to be a rescue mission, as the village would surely fall before he could reach it.

Ambean, our most sordid village. First intrusted as a joke to Jason the "great" whose illicit dealings had become known throughout the land. It was a village of addicts and thugs. Some time later, after Jason had been cast out, it became a hive for witches and unholy magicks. This was considered a major improvement. The witches have slowly trickled out since then, flying off one by one. Ambean was finally starting to look like a normal village.

And here Occitan stands: in the way of this village's recovery. Surely sensing the weakness of the sorry inhabitants, these vultures made their move.

Gristle marched for two days without rest. He was eager to send these birds back to their nests. As his army neared the village, his scouts informed him that Lord Jimmy was fleeing south with as many men as he could. "What?! What of this great war? Is this all they could muster? The Marshal of the Southern Army leaves these few stragglers to die while he runs away? Coward! Is this what God wills?"

Offline sJimmy

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Re: War
« Reply #6 on: August 08, 2013, 07:00:52 am »
Jimmy marched for weeks without rest. He was eager to get back to his outpost in the desert. His army had captured New Ambeann weeks earlier. A great victory was felt with in army against their adversaries. Even though he had to left a few stragglers to die he never felt better. It wasn’t that he didn’t feel bad for the stragglers they just happened to change direction in the night. Who is he to blame. Oh well. He knew some would think him a coward but he cared not for he knew better.

His army finally arrived at his outpost he enters the hall of New Qalyut. It seems on his table three letters had been left for him. He heads toward the table to read the letters wondering what they contained.

The first one had the markings of the Lost Legion with the Seal of their Emperor Killer of Flowers. The message read as follow “DEATH TO FCC!”  Jimmy wonder why this message was sent to him by the Emperor. But he noticed the second message from the Legion as well was from Admiral Slim it too read “DEATH TO FCC!” Again he wonders why he would receive these letters. What purpose did they pose? The third letter was again from the Legion. Why the Legion would send him these letters. As he opened the third it read “Dear Jimmy, Death to FCC! Signed Wizard Doom.

Jimmy began to think of the possibility of battle the glory it would contain. Clearly that what the letters meant. He Thought to himself maybe he should head back east to his homeland. What could he possibly find…
"By what you decide to do every day you will be a good man or not." – Knights Hospitaller, 2nd Crusade

Offline sJimmy

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Re: War
« Reply #7 on: August 19, 2013, 11:46:49 pm »
it has begun
"By what you decide to do every day you will be a good man or not." – Knights Hospitaller, 2nd Crusade

Offline Dutchydave

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Re: War
« Reply #8 on: August 20, 2013, 12:43:30 am »
it has begun

What has begun? Die FCC scum,Die in a fire

Offline sJimmy

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Re: War
« Reply #9 on: August 20, 2013, 12:45:03 am »
“This shall be are the last and final attack” said Jimmy while setting up camp for the night. For tomorrow we battle. He thought to himself on how proud he is of his war band. Indeed it has traveled a far in there journey thought out the lands. From the far east of Nova Veluca , to the southern desert as close to New Qalyut, into the northern winds from the feared by but respected warriors near New Ambean. The war band has traveled far indeed since its days in the Order. The commander began to speak again “It true brave warriors… we shall make our last stand attacking the mighty city our brother monks once held… but today we shall avenge those fallen before us… we remember our oaths to the Leper we made so long ago.. to battle we go and not one step back… attack and over the walls you go forward unto glory… be the will of God ect ect maybe so be it…  but if we shall die let it be on our own accord…” he figured it would be good enough to get the men to rest and enjoy themselves tonight. For tomorrow he must prepare the army.
"By what you decide to do every day you will be a good man or not." – Knights Hospitaller, 2nd Crusade


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Re: War
« Reply #10 on: August 21, 2013, 06:54:58 pm »
Build a catapult this time.

Offline Sparvico

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Re: War
« Reply #11 on: August 22, 2013, 06:04:19 am »
Mossback_Westwood: "I swear 2 my semitic God if you give me this bundle of sticks's address I'll cut off his ear and eat it"

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