Today every player is concerned with hair-whitening issues.
Effectiveness over originality.
Kills over style.
Gold over fun.
I see more and more people who sacrifice their hidden fetishes ( such as being a loathed, underpowered horse archer). They trade their fun for effectiveness, simply because battle mode is unforgiving to any other classes that are not close to the min-max builds of today.
How do we remedy to that?
Create a server where effectiveness is not recognised. Where death's answer is not alt-tab. Where combat and adrenaline is ever-present.
So I suggest to the developers to create what I would call a 'Rumble' server.
No upkeep.
No gold.
No scoreboard.
No wins, no losses.
Much like a scoreboard-less, Objective-less deathmatch. Just keep killin' . No epeen is involved, as no one will be able to see how others are performing. Insta respawn. Huge time limit. No objectives.
-Free For All
Each player is on his own. Kill and be killed as long as you can stand.
-Team Rumble (aka deathmatch)
Kill as many of the enemy team players as you wish.
Of course, these are the raw concepts and, should they be of interest to the community, should be developped.
Please let know of your support ( or not) through the poll above.