They do, its just they're complaining they don't get proximity points near kills. Though they help melee get it by shooting right into close fights the odd time they don't hit their own teammates. Personally I love the proximity points. It rewards you for charging right into the melee, rather than waiting for nice safe cheap shots. It also makes it worth it to keep fighting when vastly outnumbered, spinning around and getting the enemy's TW points (I think it works that way), rather than running away leaving your few buddy's to cover your retreat.
The extra points are for the risks you take. In melee if you miss a shot there's a good chance you'll die. Ranged can miss every single shot and still be the last guy on the team and running away. The guys who get valour consistently are usually the best players. Unless a person has 12 ath and 12 shield skill, a mediocre player will usually die in those intense close combat conflicts. With friends and enemies swinging madly you really need a good feel of who's who and where. It's best to hold back and go for the cheap shots.
I love having good archer support, I love killing a guy after he's stunned by an arrow, but if I'm the one who's hit, I'm the one who's dead. And after you're dead you don't get any more points.