Author Topic: A very possible suggestion for LANCES and COUCHING  (Read 1547 times)

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Re: A very possible suggestion for LANCES and COUCHING
« Reply #15 on: July 01, 2013, 01:13:03 pm »
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The analogy does work. Forces work the same both ways, a force is always counter acted by the same force going the other way. The same principle applies to punching wooden boards as to couching lances. I think your problem is that you differentiate the moment of impact with the moment of breaking. You state that a lance would break after delivering the impact, which is incorrect. It breaks on impact, not after, not before, it breaks on impact. If a force like a fast moving couched lance gets applied to a slower target, something has to budge to make room. Ideally the target would do the majority of the budging, by getting knocked away or pierced. If the lance breaks it is the lance that also does some or a lot of the budging, reducing the amount of budging (knocking away or piercing) on the target. In this case the lance was the weakest link.

Impact is only as big as the impact the weakest link can withstand. If it is the lance, the impact is lower than if the target would have been the weakest link.

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Re: A very possible suggestion for LANCES and COUCHING
« Reply #16 on: July 02, 2013, 01:56:59 am »
I believe this is a doable idea. I would like to see any man on this forum couch a armoured foe and be able to hold onto that lance! Thats alot of force riding up a single arm, kinda like holding onto a dashboard in a 30mph car crash. I know its a game but if tin cans can take 5 hits from pick then Isee no problem cav loosing a lance to a couch.

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Re: A very possible suggestion for LANCES and COUCHING
« Reply #17 on: July 02, 2013, 02:12:18 am »
If a lance hits a body, a certain amount of joule is being delivered from the lance to the body. If the lance breaks, then (a part of) this energy got delivered to the lance itself, instead of hitting the body.

Just imagine stabbing someone with an icicle. What do you think would have the better effect? The icicle going through and sticking in that body, and that icicle breaking? What do you think would be more likely to have delivered 100% of the energy?

Or to put it another way:

Modern firearm ballistics. There are armour piercing bullet, and ordinary bullets, often hollow jacketed or something similar. Now why would you even produce something else than armour piercing bullets? Because the ordinary bullets have a better wound effect. Both bullets can have the same speed and weight when fired (= trasporting the same energy), but if one bullets deforms on impact and stops in the body, you can be sure 100% of that energy has been delivered. This is the hollow jacketed bullet for example. Now the armour piercing one will most likely punch through the body and fly some distance, which means that after passing the body it has still energy left to fly. Which means it has delivered less energy.

So whenever something is hitting a body, and that thing has energy left to do something else, e.g. flying on (in the case of a bullet) or breaking (in case of a lance) not all of the impact's energy went into the target.
Joker makes a very good point.
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Re: A very possible suggestion for LANCES and COUCHING
« Reply #18 on: July 02, 2013, 05:07:14 am »
The analogy does work. Forces work the same both ways, a force is always counter acted by the same force going the other way. The same principle applies to punching wooden boards as to couching lances. I think your problem is that you differentiate the moment of impact with the moment of breaking. You state that a lance would break after delivering the impact, which is incorrect. It breaks on impact, not after, not before, it breaks on impact. If a force like a fast moving couched lance gets applied to a slower target, something has to budge to make room. Ideally the target would do the majority of the budging, by getting knocked away or pierced. If the lance breaks it is the lance that also does some or a lot of the budging, reducing the amount of budging (knocking away or piercing) on the target. In this case the lance was the weakest link.

Impact is only as big as the impact the weakest link can withstand. If it is the lance, the impact is lower than if the target would have been the weakest link.

Hm, so in gameplay terms would this have to translate to a damage decrease when a lance breaks? Even if we go with the opponent getting knocked down every time they get couched? How would the weakest link here be determined? And even if the lance is breaking upon impact, does that assume the piercing was already done and sunk into the opponent, or does the break prevent that from happening in the first place?
« Last Edit: July 02, 2013, 05:10:16 am by Dooz »
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Offline Teeth

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Re: A very possible suggestion for LANCES and COUCHING
« Reply #19 on: July 03, 2013, 04:52:10 pm »
Hm, so in gameplay terms would this have to translate to a damage decrease when a lance breaks? Even if we go with the opponent getting knocked down every time they get couched? How would the weakest link here be determined? And even if the lance is breaking upon impact, does that assume the piercing was already done and sunk into the opponent, or does the break prevent that from happening in the first place?
A lance breaks if it has to withstand an impact beyond its breaking point, which in gameplay terms would translate best to a raw damage cap if you ask me. Let's say a lance would have a raw damage cap of 80. Raw damage would be damage rating + speed bonus before armor kicks in. If the couch does a 100 raw damage, the lance will deliver 80 raw damage and break. The impact is as big as the weakest link. Please note that when I said that breaking reduces impact, I meant compared to when the lance would have been stronger, in this case it would have done the full 100 raw damage for example. I don't think the breaking itself reduces damage compared to a similar impact just below the breaking point. If the couch does 79 raw damage, the lance will deliver 79 damage and not break, as it is not the weakest link.

Assuming you want lances to break, I think this would be a realistic way to do it. It doesn't add much to the gameplay though. Just a cap to the damage you can deliver and a cool visual effect

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Re: A very possible suggestion for LANCES and COUCHING
« Reply #20 on: July 03, 2013, 09:18:11 pm »
Too many novels to read in this thread.

I'm unsure if it's been mentioned, but I doubt anyone has the grip to slam a lance into an average man and not have it ripped from their hand.
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Re: A very possible suggestion for LANCES and COUCHING
« Reply #21 on: July 05, 2013, 12:25:14 am »
It's a game, I think that they should make it semi-realistic, but not like what you mentioned, just because that would be a serious nerf to lancers, and nobody would ever play them anymore.

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Re: A very possible suggestion for LANCES and COUCHING
« Reply #22 on: July 05, 2013, 03:38:35 pm »
Lancers need some love. As an archer i find them pathetic now, I dont even move out of the way when they charge i just keep shooting

Also nerf longsword
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Re: A very possible suggestion for LANCES and COUCHING
« Reply #23 on: July 05, 2013, 05:09:53 pm »
Lances werent meant to penetrate people, you drag it up across their chest and head in a rising slash movement, and they almost never broke or got stuck.. those are hollow tourney lances. Most people in this thread learned history from videogames and movies lol

also the shock of a couch is absorbed by approaching at a good angle and letting the energy go through their arm, down their back, and finally out their ass and legs with specially designed saddles/stirrups that made the whole procedure possible (or at least much easier)
« Last Edit: July 05, 2013, 05:33:57 pm by Smoothrich »
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