If you dont enjoy the game and need story to keep you going then you might aswell just quit. Sounds like you are dying a lot, try changing your approach like getting a shield / a bigger shield, or just play more defensive, dont rush.
I am not dying that much. It is more like I am bored with the repetitiveness of the game. It is like playing an mmo offline. And honestly 2 guys 4 times taller than me swinging giant polehammers around like madmen with me not even having a chance to approach feels kinda cheap. I am yet to see a human sized boss, outside invasions.
Also, Story would not be needed if the gameplay was fun, but it isnt. It is a constant fight for survival with AI throwing cheapest stuff they can against you.
And I still dont understand what makes combat so awesome. I mean, most enemies dont even block! This game is based around inverted combat mechanics of typical action games, where instead of you mashing buttons like madman, enemies are those on constant offensive while you are trying to capitalize on their mistakes.