
Pick your next NA Admin

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Author Topic: NA servers - Game Admins Wanted  (Read 60901 times)

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Offline Gmnotutoo

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Re: NA servers - Game Admins Wanted
« Reply #330 on: July 12, 2014, 01:53:35 am »
haha Oh great a Kesh endorsement. I am screwed!

Don't be silly, FCC members aren't allowed to be admins.
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Re: NA servers - Game Admins Wanted
« Reply #331 on: July 12, 2014, 02:16:57 am »
Don't be silly, FCC members aren't allowed to be admins.

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irl something shorted on the shuttle and laika overheated and died within a few hours of liftoff and for a brief while one could look up to the stars and see a light shooting across the sky that was actually a warm dog corpse slingshoting about the earth at thousands of miles per hour which was arguably humanity's greatest achievement so far


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Re: NA servers - Game Admins Wanted
« Reply #332 on: July 12, 2014, 05:20:40 am »
You should put me on the admin team. Been around for a long time and never in trouble. I have been admin on some of the other servers that have since disappeared.

Ohay do you need an admin?

Bale should not be allowed to be an admin simply because he's old and his balls sag too low.

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Re: NA servers - Game Admins Wanted
« Reply #333 on: July 12, 2014, 06:08:48 am »
Alright wish me luck.

I could write about how great of a person I am, my qualifications
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and I could say that I am the best person for the job. But in all honesty, I believe that I would be an admin who would be hated by the community, an admin that would be called "badmin" simply because he would uphold the rules and standards of the community, and no matter who the perpetrator is, he would use a system as follows to deal with them. Warning < Mute (for racism) < Kick < Ban (for only the most dedicated of trolls and bigots "Lemon"). I only have one ban on record (I believe) and that was because Testi and I were trolling each other.

That's the end of my essay, I'm tossing my name into the hat and hoping I get picked!  :D

Offline Amatsuka

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Re: NA servers - Game Admins Wanted
« Reply #334 on: July 12, 2014, 08:44:47 am »

I've been playing CRPG for a while now, but really am not part of the old guard.  I still consider myself a fairly new player who's learning how to be better all the time.  I think this helps because I've been around with the community long enough to care, but am still fresh and new enough not to be too cynical.

Another reason why I'd be a great admin is because when I was first getting started, there were a lot of players who abused me terribly.  I was vote kicked and team attacked constantly just because I was playing an unpopular build and I think that was pretty mean.  I'm resilient though and am usually in pretty good humor, so I kept playing, but I think a lot of new players at the time would have been turned off by the behavior.

Honestly, I think the CRPG community is a lot better these days.  I don't know what changed, but the same types of harassing behavior don't seem to occur with the same frequency as they used to.  Most times I play, I find people on NA rather agreeable and fair tempered.  I play all sorts of weird hours of the day like early mornings or when other people are working or sleeping.  That's because I take care of rental property and my hours are mostly dependent on if I feel like working and are often limited by the task.  Even when I have something to do, it usually means three hours of work and then I'm home again.  It varies a lot.

I also spend a lot of time online idling on different services and waiting for people to engage me so I can make money on the side.  So like, while I'm waiting, I tend to play CRPG.  I think it's a great game because I can turn it on, jump into some fun, and not have to worry about some obligation to keep doing it.  I often do anyhow, but the turn based nature keeps it so I can multitask.  It's basically the perfect kind of game for me.  Plus horses.

My record is pretty immaculate in my opinion.  I've never been banned before and I've only ever been kicked once by an admin.  He thought I was leeching, but I just ran out of rocks to throw.  It's an easy mistake though and I don't hold it against him.  I'm sure it's hard to make quick decisions.

I usually don't see a lot of rule breaking people on when I am these days, but if you wanted more of an admin presence during HA morning or other weird hours, I'd be around.  I'd be a pretty conservative admin and stick to the basic and obvious offenses.  Like leeching and teamkilling.  I don't like things that ruin the game for other people.

Anyhow, if you want help, give me a holler.

PS:  I'm at my computer a boat load even when I'm not playing.  So people could contact me in IRC if something was going down.

« Last Edit: July 12, 2014, 09:04:07 am by Amatsuka »

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Re: NA servers - Game Admins Wanted
« Reply #335 on: July 12, 2014, 09:02:30 am »
Don't be silly, FCC members aren't allowed to be admins.


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+1 for Bale :)
A lot of people in the NA community know that Dach rages and in the process of his uncontrollable rage, he tends to kick people.

You've been warned! :twisted:


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Re: NA servers - Game Admins Wanted
« Reply #336 on: July 12, 2014, 05:25:31 pm »
I was FCC when I became admin too
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irl something shorted on the shuttle and laika overheated and died within a few hours of liftoff and for a brief while one could look up to the stars and see a light shooting across the sky that was actually a warm dog corpse slingshoting about the earth at thousands of miles per hour which was arguably humanity's greatest achievement so far

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Re: NA servers - Game Admins Wanted
« Reply #337 on: July 12, 2014, 05:37:57 pm »
Alright wish me luck.

I could write about how great of a person I am, my qualifications
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and I could say that I am the best person for the job. But in all honesty, I believe that I would be an admin who would be hated by the community, an admin that would be called "badmin" simply because he would uphold the rules and standards of the community, and no matter who the perpetrator is, he would use a system as follows to deal with them. Warning < Mute (for racism) < Kick < Ban (for only the most dedicated of trolls and bigots "Lemon"). I only have one ban on record (I believe) and that was because Testi and I were trolling each other.

That's the end of my essay, I'm tossing my name into the hat and hoping I get picked!  :D
HELL no :lol:
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Re: NA servers - Game Admins Wanted
« Reply #338 on: July 12, 2014, 06:02:31 pm »
I'd like to be made an admin. I have a history of upholding rules via ban threads.

Offline BaleOhay

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Re: NA servers - Game Admins Wanted
« Reply #339 on: July 18, 2014, 04:15:52 pm »
I imagine no news is bad news for my admin request
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Re: NA servers - Game Admins Wanted
« Reply #340 on: July 18, 2014, 04:58:50 pm »

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Re: NA servers - Game Admins Wanted
« Reply #341 on: July 18, 2014, 07:22:33 pm »
I imagine no news is bad news for my admin request

Or it just takes a while for them to make a decision :D (I hope, cause I have yet to recieve an answer as well :mrgreen:)
For all the non-believers, look no further than this thread for proof that while strat battles are won/lost in NA3/EU3, strat wars are won and lost on the forums.
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Re: NA servers - Game Admins Wanted
« Reply #342 on: July 21, 2014, 11:12:34 am »
Who has ever felt like this?
for those precious 20 seconds. who would protect you when the usual protectors have gone to bed? Would I be a good admin? Would I be the best admin ever seen. Would I be the best at seeing things, that things that should need seeing, ever be sawed? make your voice heard. I fell to the punished ranks recently. I would say only in defence of my clanmate. However rules were broken. Rules broken by the knave that killed my brother in cold blood. Rules that would have sent him to his rightful punishment. Alas, No one was there to make justice known. I made a carnal choice, and suffered the shame of it. I beg you Let me bring the light of truth into the long nights of such a..... long night. I'm fair, I'm quick. Don't make me go all lorenzo lamas on ya. I'd say vote on it, but i'm not so versed in the forums. So make a big deal about it till it happens.

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Re: NA servers - Game Admins Wanted
« Reply #343 on: July 30, 2014, 02:28:33 am »
This is my formal trial admin application:

Long winded story on my MB:warband career

(click to show/hide)

At the start of my career I was banned once or twice for things I had done in DTV. There were always a few people who would grief and I always responded in a way that was against the rules itself and get banned. Since then I have achieved a better understanding of the rules and feel that I am able to perceive them in a way that most people would deem agreeable.

I understand that there are a few people who despise me in the community but people that I have talked to seem surprised that I am not "that guy" that nobody really enjoys being around. This is because I tell everything how it is no matter whom you are when I am in game.

I am fairly easy to contact via steam nearly any time of the day and I check the forums regularly just to see what is going on.

Due to a wonky work schedule I am in game a few days a week but I am on for a lot of hours at varying times during those days.

« Last Edit: July 30, 2014, 02:18:21 pm by Jack1 »
We're all nerds here, so it doesn't really matter.

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Re: NA servers - Game Admins Wanted
« Reply #344 on: July 30, 2014, 03:17:50 am »
Or it just takes a while for them to make a decision :D (I hope, cause I have yet to recieve an answer as well :mrgreen:)

They message you randomly up to a year or two after your application.