Author Topic: Buff Long Maul  (Read 2560 times)

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Re: Buff Long Maul
« Reply #30 on: June 21, 2013, 10:50:36 pm »
Well the one time the long maul was OP as fuck, Jesus had me in the middle of a huge river (pretty sure I was far out in the Caravan ambush map) and Jesus and a shielder were closing in on me.  There was literally nothing I could do because in order for me to close the gap and get a hit on him, was too slow compared to how long it took to chamber and swing the long maul.  So there are situations (that I put myself in) where the long maul could be considered "OP".  Just sayin

/probably one of maybe a handful of times I was actually frustrated at c-rpg, and surprise surprise, I put myself in that situation.
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Re: Buff Long Maul
« Reply #31 on: June 21, 2013, 11:26:24 pm »
Just leaving this here. Might want to change weeks to months though.
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Re: Buff Long Maul
« Reply #32 on: June 21, 2013, 11:52:36 pm »
less than 2:1 KD wouldnt say that you did well with it
Well that is just a fucking unfair thing to say. In every single battle he posted he was one of the top performers, you need to compare his performance with the others in his team and he did excellent in all of them. Get off your high horse, you don't do much better while using a longspear. He is JesusChrist so he is a very nice and modest guy and he turns the other cheek, but you simply cannot call this 'not doing well'. I am properly impressed that he achieved those scores using a long maul. That said, I don't think Strategus should be used as a reference for balance. Look what happened to the Long Voulge and what might happen to my Pike. :|

I used it on battle for a bit and with some effort I can top scoreboards with it. It is truly a support weapon, but it is not that great at supporting due to horrible turnrate, speed and unbalancedness. Teamhitting is extremely hard to avoid. It is truly horrible against any half decent player when not supporting. The slow speed if combined with light-ish armour allows you to walk it into people, making the range seem a lot greater than it is. You could say the low speed is actually a perk for this weapon. To be honest the best fix for the weapon is in my opinion an increase in range, to really set it apart from the 2h mauls and define it's role as a support weapon.. If I recall correctly the Boulder on a Stick model had a longer pole, so if one could move the grip by 10 or 20 and use that model, it would become a really awesome and fun support weapon. If that is deemed to hard I feel like it at least deserves the same damage as the Great Maul, as I think the 10 speed and superior 2h animations is a very good trade off for the 52 length alone. Giving the Long Maul lower damage and weight on top of that makes the Long Maul just much too shit.

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Re: Buff Long Maul
« Reply #33 on: June 22, 2013, 12:47:41 am »
Buff long maul, so people who use it can now feel like this:

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Re: Buff Long Maul
« Reply #34 on: June 22, 2013, 04:37:45 am »
Well that is just a fucking unfair thing to say. In every single battle he posted he was one of the top performers, you need to compare his performance with the others in his team and he did excellent in all of them. Get off your high horse, you don't do much better while using a longspear. He is JesusChrist so he is a very nice and modest guy and he turns the other cheek, but you simply cannot call this 'not doing well'. I am properly impressed that he achieved those scores using a long maul. That said, I don't think Strategus should be used as a reference for balance. Look what happened to the Long Voulge and what might happen to my Pike. :|

I used it on battle for a bit and with some effort I can top scoreboards with it. It is truly a support weapon, but it is not that great at supporting due to horrible turnrate, speed and unbalancedness. Teamhitting is extremely hard to avoid. It is truly horrible against any half decent player when not supporting. The slow speed if combined with light-ish armour allows you to walk it into people, making the range seem a lot greater than it is. You could say the low speed is actually a perk for this weapon. To be honest the best fix for the weapon is in my opinion an increase in range, to really set it apart from the 2h mauls and define it's role as a support weapon.. If I recall correctly the Boulder on a Stick model had a longer pole, so if one could move the grip by 10 or 20 and use that model, it would become a really awesome and fun support weapon. If that is deemed to hard I feel like it at least deserves the same damage as the Great Maul, as I think the 10 speed and superior 2h animations is a very good trade off for the 52 length alone. Giving the Long Maul lower damage and weight on top of that makes the Long Maul just much too shit.

Thats not what i meant, i asked someone to post a score that was good, and in my eyes a score in strategus that is good is above 2:1 KD, that may be big headed of me but when i play strat and i dont post such a  score i am disappointed with my score.But yes with a Long Maul those scores are rather good, but the fact is that those are the best scores you are gonna see from a long maul in strategus is rather bad, as the Long maul has been branded a 'support weapon' and support weapons are meant to be very good in strategus as everyone points out is rather underperforms.
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Re: Buff Long Maul
« Reply #35 on: June 22, 2013, 08:30:12 pm »
I love this mod.. but it has got worse instead of better over the years and it seems the vast majority of players agree... However the dev's have stated they do not care what we think.. They make changes to the game to fit their play styles and make the game fun for them and their friends.

Despite 2h being the best melee class polearms have experienced nerf after nerf. I've waisted 6 gens looming 2 items(halberd, long maul) that are now sub par. Even my +3 poleaxe has been nerfed tho I still use it.

I would love for them to un nerf everything. Even archery. But at least make shields take 0 slots to combat the ranged.

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Re: Buff Long Maul
« Reply #36 on: June 24, 2013, 01:51:55 am »
Yeah I'd love to see them un-nerf everything from the last 2 years as well
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