Usually I don't play as cavalry unless I'm inspired. This week I just happened to watch the Lord of the Rings the Two Towers for the first time (I spend way too much time on Mount and Blade). I decided that "Gee-wiz, this thing you call Rohan appears to be quite the exhilarating experience to watch and possibly play, perhaps I should partake in this activity". So naturally I bought anything that looks Rohirric (Saw the word on DTV, made the connection) and cav related items. I bought a Rouncey because I'm cheap and I'm thinking of buying a Barded Warhorse for when I start to think the teutons are cool (When I play M2tw kingdoms next week). However I will get bored in a month and sell all these items.
SO my question is: Are Barded WarHorses any good for their price?
I read up that the caprisone or whatever it is called is only good against arrows.