So what basically happened was 5 minutes before the match was supposed to start there were no Independent players in the server. I was able to get ahold of Tom Cruise but he was being a babby & couldn't play & was underleveled, but I then got ahold of Allers since he was on the roster. Apparently most of the team didn't realize there was a match, and Allers tried to find some people while JesusChrist went to see if FCC/AoW would be willing to come and play a scrim since people were already there ready to fight.
Jump about 25-30 minutes in time, Allers & Honeydew (only 2 from the roster IIRC) were there as well as a bunch of other folks not on the roster who Allers was able to recruit for the match. Both sides just wanted to fight so we decided to start. It was something like 8v5 or 8v6, and Frisia won the first map pretty quickly.
Second map Ascalon joined in & there were now 2 or 3 rostered Independents and like 4 or 5 others. Cikel inexplicably decided to go over to the independents team and fought against his own clan, I think to make it 7v7. Independents won the 2nd map.
Third map Cikel went back to Frisia, it was an 8v8 proper (but again I think only a few were actually from the Independent's roster) and Independents won.
Afterwards I talked to Turboflex and then Ascalon, and we all agreed that Frisia be given the win on account of forfeit, since it was basically a bunch of pick-ups that were scrounged together almost a half hour after the match was supposed to actually start.
I'm really grateful to Allers & the Independent folks for sticking it out and playing to have fun, and Frisia for being good sports about just wanting to play. It was messy and I probably should have made it clear from the get go it should have been a forfeit, but I was really hoping that our first match didn't turn into a no-show so I was mostly just focused on having SOMETHING happen.