What you did was to aim for me on purpose. I was running straight, alone, right after spawn.
Okay, this might hurt your feelings but you are not that important to me. I dont care about you, except when you are abusing admin rights and telling lies (like here).
Assuming that I have known it was your character at all (which is not the case, all these piss-poor copies of Ninjas look the same to me),
what would have been my motivation to bump you at spawn with a Rouncey???????????????
Make your character lose 1 or 2 health points, and get banned right afterwards, WOW, that makes sense, especially (again, assuming I knew it at all) when the player is the worst active game admin well-known for having less self-control than a 4-year-old who has to give its favorite toy to another child.
Its more likely you stepped in my way on purpose to create some reason to ban me.
Anyhow, pointless discussion when all you do is to stick to your sick 'argument'.
So, how long do you want to keep me banned for hitting you with a Rouncey on a narrow city map?