Cut the crap folks.
This guy just wanted to notify "us" to avoid a possible ban because he and some other guy play in the same house.
I really see no reason whatsoever why you would pick on him for his English or lack thereof. Stop it.
To give you some perspective: in Germany all the mainstream media is in German. The only way to properly learn English is in school, in like the 9th to 12th grade*. Before that you need to be lucky to have English-speaking parents.
(* from 3rd to 8th grade the English courses are very basic imo, you cannot really express yourself)
Lass dich nicht reizen, sonst bist du hier schnell unten durch.
Wie du richtig erkennst, ist die cRPG community ein Haufen Halbstarker, die dir jedes Wort im Munde umdrehen werden, unter anderem weil du kein Englisch verstehst.
Also: bleib ruhig und ignorier sie einfach. Das ist das einzige was hier hilft.