hey there. being attacked outside of their territory at 9am on a monday morning. great going, idiots -.-
anyway, sign up, would be greatly appreciated. also read my pamphlet about defending free trade here:
http://forum.meleegaming.com/diplomacy/cotgs-vs-torben/http://c-rpg.net/index.php?page=battlesupcoming#!?page=battledetail&id=3648I have +3 gear for 250 archers and horsearchers (long bow, rus bow, horn bow, mostly bodkins, some tatars), 50 crossbow men, 500 heavy cavalry, 500+ plated infantry, shielders, great 1h, 2h and pole gear. be sure to sign up if you can.
edit: also have +3 throwing gear: lances, jarids and war darts.