Author Topic: Suggest a Game -- Win a Loom Point Contest  (Read 8725 times)

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Re: Suggest a Game -- Win a Loom Point Contest
« Reply #105 on: May 11, 2013, 11:55:17 pm »
Basically just play cRPG over the summer, and then play Destiny when it comes out in Autumn. That and Rome 2 I suppose :)
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Re: Suggest a Game -- Win a Loom Point Contest
« Reply #106 on: May 12, 2013, 12:08:19 am »
soggy biscuit
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Re: Suggest a Game -- Win a Loom Point Contest
« Reply #107 on: May 12, 2013, 01:41:34 am »
I am not trying to crush any hopes or dreams here guys, but, I think most of the community (those of you who actually attributed some cool ideas to this thread!) has pretty much nailed the fact that there simply isn't a game out there that fully, or even 90% of the way meet the criteria I have asked to receive. I've been trying a lot of these games lately guys, honestly, I have. There just hasn't been an overwhelming sense of "THIS IS THE ONE!"

I will say though that I think the DayZ standalone will be very fun, I was a huuuuuge fan of it. Also, if the Mortal Online game ever gets some serious patches and revamping it could be promising. I guess I should have specified that I suck horribly at MOBA games and Strategy games (Such as EU3 and the Total War series, etc etc). I'm also not a huuuuuuge Space game fan, such as Eve, primarily because I could never master the learning curve as well as had no one to play with.

I thank you guys so much for your input thus far and I really hate to close a contest without a decisive winner. I'll leave the contest open until the end of the day just in case I change my mind or some fantastic suggestion comes spoiling in. I'm sure I'll receive a lot of Infamy for this post, but I think it's quite clear that there just isn't anything out there that fits me and my group's desires.
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Re: Suggest a Game -- Win a Loom Point Contest
« Reply #108 on: May 12, 2013, 01:51:52 am »
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Neverwinter Online. Clearly you just don't want to give me your loom-point.
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Re: Suggest a Game -- Win a Loom Point Contest
« Reply #109 on: May 12, 2013, 09:28:01 pm »
I thank you guys so much for your input thus far and I really hate to close a contest without a decisive winner. I'll leave the contest open until the end of the day just in case I change my mind or some fantastic suggestion comes spoiling in. I'm sure I'll receive a lot of Infamy for this post, but I think it's quite clear that there just isn't anything out there that fits me and my group's desires.

How many hours do you intend to invest every week?
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Re: Suggest a Game -- Win a Loom Point Contest
« Reply #110 on: May 12, 2013, 10:06:48 pm »
How many hours do you intend to invest every week?

A lot, if it's addicting I could easily foresee 10-20 hours a week as sad as that is to say. Depends. Why?
Below is a Collection of Finalists in my Design my Avatar contest -- They all did Awesome!
Thanks to all of those who contributed.

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Re: Suggest a Game -- Win a Loom Point Contest
« Reply #111 on: May 12, 2013, 11:08:44 pm »
Have you already tried Global Agenda?

The game is f2p at steam, so you can just go an try it. Its community is small after all that time, but still active and dedicated.

It's placed in a SciFi setting.
  • It's a 3rd person shooter (=heavily skill based)
  • It as a (small) equipment progression, as well as 50 character levels and 13 skill points to distribute
  • There are four classes, which are similar to Team Fortress 2:
    • The Assault: He is basically tank and/or damage dealer. Can use different miniguns (usually in the tank role, being slow but tough and using shields, making them immune against a certain damage type for a certain period of time or a certain amount of damage) or different explosive devices like grenade or rocket launchers (usually damage dealer glass cannon build, with Areas of Effect = AoE)
    • The Medic: He is either healer (surprise, surprise) or damage dealer. When being healer he is either focused healer with a constant beam on the group mates (like in TF2) or as a group healer he is firing with a heal gun which puts a Heal over Time (HoT) effect on the teammates. As damage dealer he is the poison medic, which means he has a lot of AoEs which cause Damage over Time (DoT), and usually it's only the heal medic which can save you from a poison medic.
    • The Recon: He is something like the scout/sniper from TF2: he can either be Snipercon, which means he is sniping (who would have thought it?), Bombercon which means he makes excessive use of bombs and mines, or he is meleecon, and beats the everloving shit out of the other classes. Most special thing about the Recon is his ability to become invisible.
    • The Robo: He is the technician and in many cases the "tactician" of the team. He either acts supporting the team (massively) as station Robo and deploys sentry turrets, healing stations and different other devices like shields or even mountable robots, or he acts as Drobo which is rather a damage dealer, who is follow by several drones which deal nasty damage and have autoaim. He has a third robo arm (like the Warhammer 40k tech priests) with which he can repair and/or buff all technical devices.
  • All classes have access to different jetpacks, which means you can always fly at any time, for a limited period of time
  • Everything works over a system of cooldowns and energy regeneration. Either things require energy from your energy pool, like flying, shooting, repairing or healing, or they have a cooldown like throwing/placing a bomb, building a turret or activating a shield. Your energy pool regenerates a moment after all energy consumption has stopped. Energy pool size and regeneration speed can be imroved by skills (I usually do that)
  • All those things with different classes and builds leads to a lot of interdependancies between the classes
  • The game works actually like an MMORPG: you have (only) two open world maps (both desert setting) and a "main city", the dome. You have different quests to solve on those maps, given by NPCs with exclamation/question marks over their head, granting you XP, money and loot. Those maps are where you are playing between level 1 and about 25.
  • The rest of the game you usually stay in Dome City, and do missions. And there is a lot of things you can do in those missions:
    • PvE missions: you and three teammates can do an assault on a facility, which is basically a classic dungeon run with a final boss. There are different difficulties for those runs, and the enemies/rewards are according.
    • Solo PvE missions: basically the same, just that you need to do everything on your own.
    • Double agent: Those are like PvE missions, but for 6 players: 4 are the attackers as usual, but 2 try to defend the dungeon together with the NPC enemies. Great fun. GREAT FUN!!!
    • Raids: there are several different raid missions, where 10 players need to defend a place against hordes of attackers. Needs a lot of coordination, but is great fun as well, and the rewards are really good!
    • Mercenary
    • AvA
  • Mercenary: this is the standard multiplayer mode. It's 10 vs. 10 team deathmatch, but always with a special goal, never killing alone (like in cRPG  :rolleyes: )
    • Payload: the attacking team tries to push a load to the end of a route, the defenders have to push it back to the last "save point" the attckers passed.
    • Push: The attackers have to conquer three areas in a fixed order, the defenders have to prevent them.
    • Scramble: It's basically like Push, but there are no attackers or defenders. Conquerable oints appear at random places on the map (always one at a time), and both teams have to capture it. The team which captures three first (or has captured more when the time runs out) wins.
    • Domination: Again similar. Three points on the map, every captured point grants ressources. The team which reaches 1000 resources first, wins.
    • Demolition: Weird game mode. It's basically capture the flag with mountable robots. Every team has a capture point and a robot in their base. Every team has to steal the robot from the enemy base and bring him to the capture point in their own base, while preventing the enemy of doing so. The team which first captures 3 robots or has the most captured robots when the time runs out wins.
  • AvA: Now this is the king discipline in this game! It means "Agency vs. Agency", which is nothing else than guild vs. guild. There are several maps consisting of hexagons, depending on the server regions. Every map is divided into several regions. Once a day, usually at the afternoon or the evening at the server region, one of those regions opens for an hour, and agencies can build factories and mines on them, and attack and conquer enemy facilities. After an hour the region closes and the next region opens. It needs a LOT of coordination, skill, experience and so on, but is incredibly fun and grants awesome rewards!
  • There are more things, like dueling with others (even in groups), an arena where you can mess around
  • There is crafting and upgrading items. You have armours, weapons, jetpacks, offhand(=support) devices, consumables, AvA structures and even pets!
  • You have an auction house where you can trade items and crafting materials
  • A lot of other awesome shit.

Trailer with dev comments
Trailer for lastest content patch
No Elves trailer 1
No Elves trailer 2
No Elves trailer 3

The No Elves trailers are an absolute must see for everybody!  :lol:

Some Requirements:
Must have a lot of persistency meaning constantly something to do CHECK
Needs a good learning curve and high skill base to be really good CHECK
Must be addicting CHECK
I like games with micro-markets, ways to do things other than just fighting CHECK
A good storyline or roleplay element Well, no storyline, but character development in terms of leveling.
Good graphics --> No cartoony or anime looking crap CHECK
Good playerbase CHECK
PvP, PvE, RvR -- It doesn't matter. CHECK
« Last Edit: May 12, 2013, 11:21:32 pm by Joker86 »
Joker makes a very good point.
î saved for eternety (without context  :mrgreen:)

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Re: Suggest a Game -- Win a Loom Point Contest
« Reply #112 on: May 12, 2013, 11:13:16 pm »
Defiance - brilliant game so far!

Playing it with friends, loving it. It's like a persistent borderlands.  :D

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Re: Suggest a Game -- Win a Loom Point Contest
« Reply #113 on: May 13, 2013, 12:55:36 am »
Play some D&D. I don't mean DDO. I don't mean Neverwinter. I don't even mean tabletop. Come up with a system, and do some freeform roleplaying. I'm sure it won't satisfy all of your needs. As it has been pointed out numerous times, you can't. Dracul has been doing some freeform DnD for years now, and we have more fun laughing and joking in teamspeak about the stupid shit we imagine than about anything else. This thread here can show you a few examples of what we've done.

It sounds stupid and cheesy, but I suggest trying it, because it is a fun that can't be expressed in any virtual world.

Another thing we like to do at Dracul. Arma 2. Yeah, I know you've played DayZ, and in the right circumstances it has tons of potential. However, an affect almost similar in its sandboxyness to our DnD, would be Arma 2's mission editor. With ACE and a few other mods of your choice to expand content, you can have loads of fun endlessly, with all of your friends. Want persistance? Make a campaign of missions, and adjust them to your gameplay experience. Want pvp? Go head to head with your buddies in a realistic and high stakes combat enviroment, fine tuned to your desire.

Arma is obviously a graphically demanding game and must be bought, but after 3 years of it I'm still not bored.

But otherwise, the only limitations on these two games are the people you play with, and your own drive to work and imagine things.

If you want reference on either of these two, talk with Relit or Necrowave or Artyem or Blackzilla or Larry.

You can't go wrong with freedom.
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Re: Suggest a Game -- Win a Loom Point Contest
« Reply #114 on: May 13, 2013, 01:40:08 pm »

A lot, if it's addicting I could easily foresee 10-20 hours a week as sad as that is to say. Depends. Why?

Because with that many hours to burn and a few friends that also love games and have time, you could easily MAKE a game instead.
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Re: Suggest a Game -- Win a Loom Point Contest
« Reply #115 on: May 14, 2013, 09:34:26 pm »
Because with that many hours to burn and a few friends that also love games and have time, you could easily MAKE a game instead.

lol fuck you zagibu
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Re: Suggest a Game -- Win a Loom Point Contest
« Reply #116 on: May 14, 2013, 09:50:48 pm »
So when am I getting this loompoint?

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Re: Suggest a Game -- Win a Loom Point Contest
« Reply #117 on: May 15, 2013, 02:57:50 am »
Baldurs Gate II Shadows of Amn and Throne of Bhaal - Multiplayer... on Super Hard!!!

So good...

If you play it on multi you gotta invite me  :rolleyes:

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Re: Suggest a Game -- Win a Loom Point Contest
« Reply #118 on: May 15, 2013, 06:56:26 am »
Alright. I'll give you a good one. It totally fails your "Good Graphics" thing... but fuck you! Go play Space Station 13! Sure its 2d graphics of SNES quality... and it lags sometimes... but what other game lets you perform gender reassignment surgery on other players with wirecutters? It takes a bit to get used to but once you get the basics down you can play easy enough, but to master everything takes forever because there is a ton of stuff you can do. its round based with rounds that average about an hour. you can RP lots if you want but depending on the server you play on you might have diff requirements for RP and all sorts of diff rules and features and so on. I used to play on TG Station you could start there. Of course they don't want you and your friends to coordinate your efforts via teamspeak and the like so try not to meta it up and be lame.

anyways, I was super hooked on that for about 4 months which was pretty solid, ill end up playing it again later im sure. Fantastic game.

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Re: Suggest a Game -- Win a Loom Point Contest
« Reply #119 on: May 15, 2013, 10:51:26 pm »
Dark Souls or Dark Souls or Kerbal Space Program, maybe even Dark Souls if you're feeling ballsy
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