As a longmaul user, I can say that it isn't so underpowered now as you say. I loved it before and I still love it after the patch. Yes, 70 speed is nothing. Great maul is by 10 faster, and it crushes through everything on 6 PS, and longmmaul is slower and crushes not so often. But this is a support weapon, it is really made only for sieges and it rocks there, and I find it to be right. Wait, step in, hit, step back and let your teammates finish the enemy if he is still alive.
The only bad thing in longmaul for me is that I use it for a long time, but still cannot get used to it's lengh. I don't feel 125. I feel the model to be made incorrectly, as a sidesword. But this is just what I feel, I may be wrong and I don' whine 'bout it.
What about thrust, longmaul really NEEDS NOT TO have thrust at all.
But yea, 2-3 hitting by crushthrough weapon (which is to smash enemy's head) even with 6 PS sucks, when 2h kill within 1-2 hits. I had a loomed longmaul, but I did not loom it again for the damage will still suck.
But I loomed mah coursa, go catch me you 1h turtles! 8p