Greetings fellow North American-ers,
Every hard working man and women from this continent take a moment to stop, pat yourself on the back. C’mon, do it! You've earned it. You champions of capitalism, such prestigious examples to the rest of the world. Finally, there is a reward given for your centuries of hard work, something to help aid those long years of back pain, carrying the rest of the world. So without further salivating anticipation, I give to you…..
The MURRICCA Clan League
Over the past few weeks, many of NA's best masterminds have been working on bringing a competitive clan v clan league together. We have tried to put the best possible rules together to make this as casual and easy to manage as possible. Everything will be tracked and recorded on a thread in the events board. We started with a committee of gentlemen and came up with some cool things. The guys involved were: Turboflex, BlackWhite, Tom Cruise, Mr. Shine, Malaclypse, Ascalon, Hobb, Robert.
Rules are not final, we will be having an exhibition week starting this weekend and have an official start to the season next week.
Overview:-All matches will be played on the Raven 30 slot server
-Matches will be 8v8
-All matches will be best 2-out-of-3 maps, with each map being a best 3-out-of-5
-Any clan or group is allowed to make a team, but players can only be on one team
-Teams will have to have every possible player listed on their roster, updated on the official thread (no limit to roster length)
-Each team will have to pick 2 armor sets, and every player in play must wear the specified items. Will be tracked on the official thread
Match Rules:/Restrictions
-No more than 3 ranged players in play per team (inc hybrids)
-No more than 3 cavalry players in play per team
-No more than 4 total cavalry or ranged players in play per team
(Mounted range counts as 2)
-No more than 1 horse warhorse or higher in play per team
-No weapon restrictions
/A 40k gold limit is set server side to restrict gear
-Looms are allowed
Matchmaking weekdays 6est-11est weekends 5est- 1am est **with special requests**
-Matches may be scheduled by clans and played out as long as they don't interfere with another match
-Each clan is responsible for deciding how many matches a week (monday-sunday) they would to be matched for
-Each clan may pick up to 3 days in which they CANNOT be scheduled for a match
-A matchmaking schedule will be released every Sunday/Monday for the next weeks matches, inc specific times
NOTE: Once the schedule is released, clan captains are allowed to cancel/move/change time of any match they are directly involved in, as long as it fits schedule
-Matches must have at least 1 admin on to be played, a fact more than a rule
Admin/Refs-Each team may have their own admin(s) if they follow:
A) Each team submit possible candidates to be reviewed (ask them before you nominate please)
B) The candidate(s) are agreed on by the committee
C) Agree to come to a short tutorial on how to admin a server/match
So... What to do so we can get this thing started?
Clan leaders should, after declaring they are interested, put their admin nominees in this thread, you can put as many as you like.
DO NOT put your rosters, gear choices, matchmaking restrictions in this thread, or you will just have to do it again. Finally, go tell all your friends, get everyone involved. Also, nothing is final, so if you have awesome suggestions or would like to get involved let me know.
Feedback welcome