Author Topic: [Rice Eaters]: World at War II [RP]  (Read 764 times)

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[Rice Eaters]: World at War II [RP]
« on: April 14, 2013, 07:34:29 pm »
French version: to be announced

(these events took place between february and the middle of march 2013)

Rice Eaters : World at War II

The Chinese Empire invasion forces had caused quite a stir.
Taken by surprise, shocked by the sudden breaking of non agression pact, all the great powers allied with the Templars declared war on them one by one.
The Eastern powers had a war of their own ongoing, far from sight in the distant farmlands of the Western part of Swadia, traditionally held by the Grey Order.
They were dominating their foe until this surprise attack began, which threw a spanner in the works.
It stopped short their advances while they re-organised their forces to submit their new opponent in the south.
The Shu Han and the Rice Eaters had become the center of military attention from half the world in a matter of days.

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Summoning armies from the besieged lands of Uxkhal, exhausted but experienced troops began to converge to the new theatre of war...

Eager to find allies to crush the Chinese Empire to dust, the leaders of the Crusaders Coalition asked all their vassals to join the war.
Some would join and support eagerly, others would promise help that would come shambling, while the last ones would feign to assist while they kept to themselves.
They also sough support with various smaller factions. Rebels paid to ravage their enemies's lands, to die in their stead...
From trustworthy to dubious ones, men and women with an ounce of influence and leadership were hastily included in the joint military forces.
They were given troops and gear, and a general mission : killing any chinese they come across.
One of those rebels, the Ghuraba Caliphate, recently donned with a thousand troops, was moving toward Chaeza, held by the Shu Han forces...

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Running up the few miles that separated the Veluca area from the Shu Han holdings, Garlic's army come in sight of the apparently deserted village

Apart from a few dozens of disgruntled peasants armed with pitchforks and axes, noone resisted the Ghuraba Caliphate attack.
The village fell with considerable ease. The Ghuraba Caliphate had proved their loyalty to the Crusaders Coalition... Did they?
The day after this minor landgrab, Garlic uttered his true loyalty to the world: they were allied with the Chinese Empire in this war, since the beginning.
Using the army that had been freely given to them, they ran away from Chaeza and the other unprotected Shu Han villages north of Jelkala.
Only a skeleton force remained at Chaeza, and they did their best to buy some time to the newly formed Caliphate army running to the Shu Han side...

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"Let the world tremble as it senses all you are about to accomplish. Make them pay dearly each inch of land!!!" Garlic encouraged them before departing

Meanwhile, the armed forces of the Shu Han pushing for Yalen had arrived to the gates of the city. They began besieging the settlement.
General Shemaforash had the duty to organize the encircling of the fief, and so it was ordered to build a massive circle of siege fortifications around Yalen.
"It is crucial to forbid any reinforcements party to come and help the besieged! Put your back onto it engineers!" the general bellowed to his troops.
Thus issued, hands and shovels began to dig the earth, planting poles here and there to prepare the foundations for the building of proper barricades and ditches.
The work was going swiftly, but they were so intent on finishing the earthwork that they forego any naval blockade of the port city...
The Templars were not blind, nor shocked to the point of remaining rooted in their unattacked fiefs in the northern part of their Rhodok colonies...

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A Templar war council is hastily summoned in Maras Castle to prepare for deeds to come...

Having received news of the invasion a mere day or so ago, the Templars led by general Casimir had gathered all support they could in the short time they had.
Faith can move mountains, and nicely laid-out speech can bring to action the most placid of men.
"There is now no hope of escaping. If you fight you will conquer, but if you flee you will fall. Therefore gird yourselves manfully and take up joyful arms for the name of God!"
From the youngest to the elderly, everyone able-bodied and in reach of the fervent patriotic call to arms lifted themselves up and joined the rescue of Yalen.
It was paramount to protect it from being captured, else all the region would fall quickly in the grasp of the Shu Han.
They got on horses, coursers and war horses for the nobles, rounceys and sumpters for the others, and rushed to the fish port of Glunmar, where boats waited for them.

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"Avast, ye lilly livered land lubbers! Aint time to sip yer damn rum, we got some fine ladies to save up that city! BEND THE GODDAMN OARS!!!"

Circling south, as close to the many-hilled coast as they dared to, to conceil their boats from view, they sailed as fast they could, daring not lose one minute.
Still they were manning the oars, when dusk then dawn colored the horizon brightly: a new day, a new hope. Yalen was in view.
All men went ashore, leaving only a handful of sailors to guard the boats.
Landing inside the area between the city and the siege fortifications, they were able to roam free up to the gates of the city.
Completely taken by surprise, the attackers merely observed, abashed, while the Templars patriots trotted proudly, coat of arms blazing in the sun bathed sky.
Nothing could stop them now, they had reached their home, and were going to defend it until they breath their last!

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All but deserting the city, the civilian population of Yalen went out from the fief, ignoring the enemies a quarter of miles away, cheering their saviors rapturously

The chinese soldiers were ordered back at their earthworking. Never let your troops idly considering defeat even when it stares down at them.
An attack was scheduled at the end of morning. Some unsteady officers went to ask the top staff management to reconsider it, in the face of the recent events.
Those few were put to the racks for their insolence, and the first wave of assault was confirmed. Noone will flee his duty today.
Adding to that were the jeers of the now confident defenders, from their city's battlements... It is easy to be brave behind a castle wall, but in the thich of battle?
General Shemaforash had the arduous task to take charge of the first assault. He sounded the reforming horn and put his troops in battle lines.
Withstanding his own impulse to foresake this doomed battleground, he gave the order to begin the attack.

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"Strike up the drum and march courageously! Fight to the last gap! Dont give them time to breath!"

A general confident aura can only do so much... Even with exuberant soldiers, geared with the best armours and weapons the country had to offer.
The ramparts were so high that only the thickest siege ladders could reach them. Even then, most of them were easily pushed back or destroyed.
The soldiers could not set one foot on the walls. The few that did were instantly passed through the sword if not thrown down the battlements like dolls to the wind.
Eager at the rear, raging berserk while charging, scared shitless climbing up... Pushed by those behind. Still they went, persistent in their hubris.
The corpses were piling below the walls, to untold heights. Half the vanguard forces perished without even putting a foothold on the city walls...
The retreat bugle sounded, the army hastily pulled back and rushed to the siege fortifications, out of reach from the defenders.

The tables were beginning to turn, and the Chinese Empire were on the wrong side of it...

To be continued...
« Last Edit: April 18, 2013, 04:50:17 pm by Butan »

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Re: [Rice Eaters]: World at War II [RP]
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2013, 08:49:56 pm »
Wow Garlic is such a scumbag


To those who wonder what we (Ghuraba) did [Non RP Version].

A war against Templars was discussed and planned, with the Chinese Empire. Ghuraba was to join the war after a couple of days after the war declaration. But we had to enter it prematurely as opportunity offered it self, when we were invited by the Eastern block to declare war on Shu Han. We ceased opportunity and said yes, and demanded 1k troops from Coalition if we attacked Chaeza. We told Shu Han we will attack Chaeza, which they agreed upon (since they will loose it anyways), and get the troops Coalition and then declare war on the Templars and Eastern.

Which we did. We kept our word with Eastern Block, but did not join their side in the war  8-)
« Last Edit: April 14, 2013, 09:01:11 pm by BASNAK »
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Re: [Rice Eaters]: World at War II [RP]
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2013, 11:04:54 pm »
Great work again :)

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Re: [Rice Eaters]: World at War II [RP]
« Reply #3 on: April 16, 2013, 02:31:29 am »
beautiful, i baibars first and my son zhengHe Al-Bengee approve and were and are happy to be a part of this great war!! till baibars returns again ZhengHe Al-Bengee will fight in his name!! victory to the chalipate and her allies!!!
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Re: [Rice Eaters]: World at War II [RP]
« Reply #4 on: April 18, 2013, 02:36:48 pm »
General Shemaforash  :oops:
You should be punished for having a shitty attitude.