I was with light gear, my long bow and 2 stacks of bodkins. Had my bow half drawn and tried to dodge a destrier.. I didn't make it though I'm really used to that as my overall main class during the last 3 years was Archer (in native and crpg). Never experienced that.
Ofc I'm against the fact that anyone can easily dodge any other attack from another class. On the other hand, yes it should be very easy to dodge. It should be both.
I don't know for sure, but a month or 2 ago it was far "easier" and the ability to jump while having a bow drawn, was helping too. You know I tried to jump but was stuck to the ground, looking like a fool taking a step back...
I don't want jump shooting, never used it anyway.
Jumping should make you stop the drawing process. But I was simply stuck there. x)