I like to play horse crossbow*, but I sold all my HX gear which I had for a long, long time because I expect it to be nerfed (with reason, too), and hanging on to MW light crossbow and bolts, well.
However deleting a class because you don't like horse ranged is a douchebag move. It needs a nerf, since the class has too few counters these days, with foot ranged now far less effective then they've ever been, lancers being far less effective vs other cav, and HAs and other horse ranged being significantly worse.
Maybe if we yet again make HA skill take 9 agi and increase the str requirements of the light crossbow to 12 or a few more (eg, 14 is a good number), it'd both fix the class and in general make horse ranged less potent (you could then have up to 3 HA skill at really high level, which translates to horrid accuracy on the move).
The biggest problem is that their horses are too hard to kill for infantry, even infantry with ranged, especially when you factor in the fact they can get 10 riding. A sarranid (Arabian, whatever) horse with it's diminutive size and excellent maneuver at 10 riding becomes a nightmare to shoot down.
* I played it back in the really old days when archers would oneshot your horse with a hornbow (then called strongbow) and then oneshot you before you've even fallen to the ground. How times have changed.