Have been saying this since the dawn of time, 18/18 best build. I've now perfected it in a level 31 build, and mastered it by 34.
Hoplite/1h/thrower. Makes no sense? Non.
Weapons: Light Lance, Shield, Throwing Axe, Short Sword.
You are prepped for every situation you can possibly encounter in the game. Lance = Support teammates. Axe = Throw at things and break shields. Swords = Last resort weapon and fight duelists who will outrange your ~50 reach axe.
But Zan! What happens when you switch weapons? You cant sheath that spear!
The point in the game I usually drop my spear is where I won't need it anyways. There will be less than 10 enemies left and it generally wont be a huge melee in the middle. If I drop it early for whatever reason, going over and picking it up isn't hard. Especially with the heirloom pack, it really stands out at +3. Plus, who needs to lug around that big stick when you are axing people anyways?
Need 6 WM, 100/100/100+ wpf points. Polearm/1h/throwing.
My personal goal will be 21/18 at 34. At 35 I will basically cap my build at max skills to stat ratios, cept IF which will be at 6. All WPF past 100 goes to throwing to support the god-tier throwing.
Feel like a Viking.
Surprise the hell out of people. (Hoplite with throwing weapon? dafuq?)
Feel badass while doing so. (Break shield with axe, then throw the same axe into their face)
Have a weapon for EVERY situation.
^ Maximizing the slot system to your advantage. Spear = 2, axe =1, shield = 1, short sword = 0.
No need for looms, your weapons have good stopping power on their own. With 6 PS you won't struggle on kills. (For the record, only weapon I have loomed is my spear)
Lv. 31