I have been trying to start a server that some of you NA's might have seen, Raven_Server. Before WSE2 all you had to do was "load crpg" and viola, server was up. Now you have to update it because apparently there is no server patch to download/upload anymore. So I did that, I uploaded my (current) version of Crpg and the server is now joinable (not a word just made it up). Once any changes are made in the admin panel the server crashes.
I used this link and it seems a little out of date, especially since the WSE2 changes:
http://forum.meleegaming.com/guides/how-to-set-up-a-c-rpg-server-%28crpg-server-0-271-%29/ But it is the only resource I really have to go off of.
If it matters I am running the server through Jestservers.
Thanks in advance for any help, look forward to seeing you in our server for some NA scrims soon!