Okay, so, been playing DayZ again. Now that the mouse accel is gone, it's a lot better than the mod was. Quickslots are great, weapons don't get stuck on doors so CQB is possible, etc etc...
However, one MAJOR con: can't find anyone! Seriously. In the mod, you had Stary Sobor and the Airfield where everyone went for high-end loot, and as a result they were interesting and dangerous to loot, and also good for being a bandit. But now in the stand-alone, and I suspect that is the reason, military bases and camps are everywhere so the players are super spread out. I've had my character alive for 15+ hours, I've ran everywhere on the map almost, most places multiple times (airfield, Stary Sobor, Balota airfield... even went to the two biggest coastal cities, NOBODY there on a full server, wtf? Used to ALWAYS find people there on the mod) and sweet Jesus, I've only seen two people. One of them was on the coast and just spawned, one I saw briefly in some random village before he disappeared. To compare, if I'd done the same route in the mod I'd have ran into ~50 people, easily. And these are full servers...
Is there a new hotspot people go to, or are we just going to have to wait for a patch to add something that can only be gotten from 1-2 places? Because you can only loot the same buildings so many times carefully until you get super bored after not seeing players in forever. And because there's not much loot right now, you get the best stuff after one Airfield trip...