I get mad when somebody, who can´t even chamber correctly, manages to kickslash me. And since every peasant nowadays knows how to kick, this happens quite often. (Thank god my polish friends taught me the word "kurwa"
it´s so satisfying, I even use it in RL now thahahaha)
I sometimes feel like lord tourettes when playing cRPG
I can´t kick, it doesn´t matter how hard I try.
I grew pretty arrogant in the last 2 years in this game, sorry for that :I
When playing Bowbimbo: When some teammate hits me multiple time on purpose "for the lols", he´ll get enemy status, until he´s on the ground. I know it´s not right, but I don´t think these people care about ctrl+m.
Maybe that´s not a flaw, but I instantLOVE everyone on the duelserver, who fights with a knockdown weapon and lets you stand up if knocked down <3 Great people.