Its funny how they still trying to get the veteran pc gamers still buying this. They said they might consider to re introduce the commander option again and also squad voip i believe.
What makes me wonder how comes there is no legal company. These big boys like EA shouldnt go unpunished and this whole DLC after release bussines needs also some regulation, because this is really going too extreme now. Note i dont mind DLC, but leaving out content on purpose at release, NO.
Also the false advertising needs to be tackled, last time EA/Dice said they would do this and do that, but they didnt. They said for BF3 that the lead platform was PC. In what stage? Probably in the concept stage before they even started coding, when they started out coding, sorry guys, console will be lead platform. Just disgusting. Scumbags i hope their buildings burn down or something. /endofrant