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Author Topic: Unban essay: why rules exist?  (Read 3457 times)

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Offline theprojectnemesis

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Unban essay: why rules exist?
« on: March 23, 2013, 08:30:42 am »
Before even starting the actual essay, let me just point out some things. First of all, english is not my main language so there definitely will be some grammatical and syntax errors. Secondly, I want to apologies to anyone who I might have hurt with mean personal attacks or insults and to those who got frustrated because of my bad behavior. Here, I mean especially Mist who's been my principal victim and is probably the one who suffered the most from my insults and bad behavior. For that, I sincerely apologies directly to you.

Now, back to the essay, why do rules exist and why hostile behavior is detrimental to community health? The reason to rules is pretty simple; anarchy is useful only to the fools. A good exemple would be the exemple of the 2 years old child. When the play of the child changes at arround the age of 2, it's essentialy  by the imaginery that it happens. The child creates his own rules to organise his game like follow the sidewalk, walk on only 1 foot, and so on.  Then after he will start to do some group games that will introduce him to strict rules often inherited from the past and the transgression of these rules will also introduce him to a strong collective disapproval. So as you can see, the rule allows the child to play with the others and the soumission to the rule allows the collective action. So, in fact, the rule allows the child to CO-EXIST with the others and that's very important. In cRPG, the rules allows everyone to co-exist in a healthy environment and actually enjoy playing the game without others, like me before, ruining their fun in any mean ways. Man is a social animal, he can't live alone very long, so he needs others. The man has interest to live in group simply because each other complete mutual interests like the satisfaction of psycological needs, the research of happiness and social links. But this group needs rules to be able to live together because man also has bad natural reactions. Unlike Rousseau, a famous Swiss philosopher, who thought man was fundamentally good and that it is society who transforms him in a bad way, man is fundamentally bad and its because bad exist that rules are necessary and actually exist. Revenge is part of those natural bad reactions of man, but it doesn't mean it's right. Revenge is part of what leaded my behavior in cRPG. I know this will go against me if you guys allow me to come back and take this essay seriously, because some will find it funny or whatever, but anyways. I had a pretty shitty childhood, not because of my parents, simply because of my surrondings. I was in a rough high school were people got judged easely and my start there wasn't very glorious. I was intimidated and so on and it really affected my later years to now. These events made me withdraw into myself and become more and more unsociable. cRPG then became a place of exil where I could expel all this enclosed anger and pain, but getting banned made me realized it wasn't making it right. Having a bad behavior doesn't lead anywhere and it's not going to help you in any ways. Even if revenge is a natural reaction of man to the evil done to him, it's not right. In a world without rules, it's the rule of the strongest that applies, but the strongest isn't insured to stay it, because he's not safe from the revenge of the more weak. Revenge calls another revenge and so on, it's a continuous cycle that never ends and it's what makes it so wrong. Rules show the right way to take to act in accordance to the standards un this or this field of thinking or acting, or to the principles that prescribe the way to reach a certain goal. That goal in cRPG is that every players should be able to play in a healthy environment without being judged, insulted or personally attacked. Facing rules, we are always free of our acts, moraly restrained but free physicaly. Respecting the rules is being moral, by that I mean be aware of what is just and what's not, for me and for others. Kant, another famous philosopher, offers to always ask yourself : is my action moral? The consequences of this action must always be in accordance to the moral itself, it must always be just. Rules are a constant reminder to order. It represents the limit that stops the excessiveness that conducts man to make the society suffer here represented by the cRPG community. If there's no rules, there would be no limit to everyone's actions leading to complete desorder because rules are order. It would simply bring us back to the law of the strongest, the natural status, a land of war and injustice. Living without rules is willing to follow your own will, which means rejecting others, but rules are made for you but for others to. What is a right for me is a duty to the others and my duties are their rights. My liberty stops where the one of the others starts. Rules satisfies more then it narrows. We couldn't live without these rules, the community of cRPG couldn't live without its rules, because the main goal of a rule, even before limiting, is to get people together, and that's very important to understand. CRPG has rules to place limits in the action of the players to allow the community to be in order, to avoid excessiveness of any individuals so that everyone can live together in a healthy and happy place. Because of these rules, bad behaviors who do not wish to follow them, like I was, harmful to the stability of the community, can be set aside so that the rest can continu to enjoy their experience. What has my bad behavior given to me other then hurt some people and harm the cRPG community? What have I gained? Nothing, simply nothing. Nothing, other then not being able to play this amazing game again. So if there is anybody who's reading this and got to this line and has a bad behavior or his leading to one, fix it now, because it seriously will not bring you anywhere then harm people for no reason even though you think you have a reason to. Rules are there to keep a community clean for it to last, so follow them and understand why they are there like I now do and you'll enjoy your further experience in the game if the community allows you back in, like I hope it will for me.

Thx for reading a small part or the whole if you did, it really means something to me! And again sorry for any mistakes in my english, it's not my first language.

PS. I know you asked for 2.201 words, but I feel like I said all I wanted to say and adding more would simply be adding extra words that I wouldn't really feel or actually mean.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2013, 09:22:42 am by theprojectnemesis »

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Re: Unban essay: why rules exist?
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2013, 10:18:44 am »
Though I did not read it... Fine Essay Sir!
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It is not wisdom but Authority that makes a law - Thomas Hobbes.
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Re: Unban essay: why rules exist?
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2013, 03:16:54 pm »
you took it seriously and it seems genuine enough, which is a good start!
Holy crap I have a youtube gaming channel! https://www.youtube.com/user/MrShine12345

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Re: Unban essay: why rules exist?
« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2013, 05:59:41 pm »
Please, PLEASE break this into paragraphs with adequate spacing.  This is supposed to be an intelligible essay, not stream-of-consciousness.

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Re: Unban essay: why rules exist?
« Reply #4 on: March 24, 2013, 12:24:33 am »
I actually believe you took that fairly seriously, so good job! The word requirement was mostly just to get you to show effort, which is all I wanted to see.  Regardless, you have shown good effort in your under 2,201 word essay. One last request however, next time you see Mist I want you to apologize. I trust that you will.

Welcome back, Armagedon


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Re: Unban essay: why rules exist?
« Reply #5 on: March 24, 2013, 12:39:56 am »
Good job, just one question. Why is 1-good and 5-bad

Offline Arathian

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Re: Unban essay: why rules exist?
« Reply #6 on: March 24, 2013, 12:43:25 am »
Good job, just one question. Why is 1-good and 5-bad

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heh, anyway, on topic:

good essay, seems genuine. Welcome back and don't bog it up again.
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