Author Topic: Zlisch's suggested strat tweaks  (Read 665 times)

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Zlisch's suggested strat tweaks
« on: March 20, 2013, 01:14:38 am »
Quote from: Zlisch
Been playing strategus somewhat actively since the start of round 4, there are huge issues with strat, but from what I’ve seen, most of the issues that aren’t gear duplication bugs don’t require any major overhauls. I’m writing this to go over the issues and propose solutions that I think would solve them.

First off, and this may sound like somewhat of a joke, people liking each other. The fact that half the map loves half the map and hates the other half of the map is a gigantic issue, this is an issue of player mentality, and I see only one solution, trying to get players to hate more factions than just half of the map. Now, a lot of people would say that you can’t force people to go to conflicts with each other, I disagree. Removing the voting system is my proposed solution, and instead of replacing it with AI fiefs again, replace it with randomized fief distribution. This solves two issues at once, first off, people liking each other to much, secondly, factions always claiming the exact same land. It’ll not be 100% fair, everyone who spawns have a chance of getting a fief and being teleported to it (only one fief per player), this will split empires up, make people feel screwed over, and create a huge chaos at start, which I believe would be the best chance of a nonelinear nonebloc war.

The second issue, Narra, take a look at it, 30k troops. The amount of troops people have quickly spiral out of control quickly, Narra is a great example of this, but really, so is grey order being alive.  Strategus desperately needs a food system, functioning as a second upkeep, and a cap on how many troops can exist at once. Every fief should generate some food. Castles only covering the standard population therefore while the peasants don’t starve any garrison would need food to keep going on.  Villages should be the big producers of food, they should be the ones allowing for thousands of men each, this would stop retreating to castles and holding off for half a year being an option, it’ll make capturing and defending villages actually matter, and it’ll actually allow for a real siege, starving the garrison out. Towns should probably produce food for about 3k men, most of which would be automatically taken by the population anyhow. If food was a factor people would also feel like being more offensive, at least once they’re at their “limit” in troops. It is probably the biggest and the second most essential feature I’m asking for, as it’d even need decay to ensure that people don’t horde insane amounts of food and then create gigantic armies, and it’d need to weight a lot to force people to not travel through larger areas without raiding a bit or enforcing whoever owns the land to give them food to cover the journey. Food should preferably also be free, and only be distributable by the fief owner or rank 10 faction members.

Thirdly, battles, I feel strategus battles need heavy alterations; I feel they’re the only part of strategus that actually need to be redone from scratch. This entire TDM+flags system just isn’t all that great, it doesn’t encourage life preservation and winning the clashes doesn’t really matter that much.
My proposed system:  Have both sides spawn at the start of a battle, have one big unsheathable unusable by cav flag spawn with each team, have the flag weight some insane amount (like 20-40), and allow high ranking faction members to set settings for who is able to pick up the flag (if there are no high ranking faction members on everyone should be allowed). From here on no regular respawning, a timer based on the amount of players is kicked off, and whatever team manages to capture the other teams’ flag and bring it in contact with their own flag wins the round, if the timer runs out the attackers of course lose the round.
Any side can also call for reinforcements, once per round, this causes the other teams dead to respawn at their flag instantly, and it causes their own dead to respawn behind flag in 30 seconds. Along with this the team that didn’t call for reinforcements get 25% of their dead turned into “severely wounded” troops, these are troops who can’t fight for the entire battle but will join the army if they win the battle, and if they lose a minor percentage of them (10%?) spawns with the player somewhere on the map.
Once a round is done 10% of the losing team deserts, 50% of the potential survivors of the round desert, the rest become prisoners (prisoners are tradegoods that always have 1000% or 500% (or something else like it) distance bonus and can only be acquired through battles) the winning team gets 10% of their dead turned into “lightly wounded” troops, meaning that they are resurrected and can fight again in the next round, along with that 15% of their dead troops turn into “severely wounded” troops.
Then the next round starts, rounds continue until one team is completely dead, or until X amount of time, after which the battle is halted and can continue the next day.
And please allow for people to sign up for certain timeslots of the battle (like from 14:00 to 14:30), so that the larger armies wouldn’t need to find people willing to spend several hours playing.

Fourth issue, the 1/3rd attacking cap, it needs to be removed, I propose replacing it with allowing armies that are under attack by armies smaller than themselves to keep moving.

Final minor other suggestions:
Replacing troops being grinded from players to troops being grinded and bought out of population, maybe allow players to still grind troops, but at a much slower pace than they do now, currently in order for smaller factions to function they need to convince random people to log onto strategus and grind troops for them, the system is a huge buff to people capable of gathering several hundred halfinactive uninterested users, and is not something I find likeable.
There seriously needs to be a limit to the amount of goods it is possible for an amount of troops to carry, currently people just walk around with ten thousand goods on 1k troops.


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Re: Zlisch's suggested strat tweaks
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2013, 12:47:16 pm »
Also please, add the "Info" setting on Strategus page where the player can fill any info he wants, like this:
visitors can't see pics , please register or login

So that fief owners could see who's coming near without having to PM every randomer around their fied to ask whether they want to trade or something...

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Re: Zlisch's suggested strat tweaks
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2013, 01:43:34 pm »
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peas are not good for you, you will shit bricks after these.

Bowing to Zlitsch's brilliant ideas. You have my vote sir!
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Re: Zlisch's suggested strat tweaks
« Reply #3 on: April 24, 2013, 01:40:46 am »
1H stab is the fastest, strongest and longest 1H animation. There's no reason NOT to use it in all instances. I don't know if it's OP, but it's boring. 1H used to be fun because you had a fast (left), long (right) and the most devastating attack (stab) and had to choose the best attack for each occasion.

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Re: Zlisch's suggested strat tweaks
« Reply #4 on: April 24, 2013, 02:07:06 am »
Making any element of strat, including the battles, more defensive would only further encourage stalemates and defensive meta-game.  Other suggestions seem reasonable.