I only read page one. Shielders are not OP. They are actually under powered. Their thrust is unreliable, the overhead doesn't have the insanely long hang-time that the 2h does, their right and left swings are pretty good but they still can't throw the same kind of goofy feints that 2h and polearm can. They have the shortest weapons and are the easiest to kick, they can't kick and block but everyone without a shield can (at least on NA, I heard they fixed kicking on EU... lucky bastards). Hoplites have exactly ONE attack direction, yeah they can be pretty good support but if you lose to hoplite in 1v1 it is your own fault. Backpedalling as a shielder is far less effective than backpedalling with a long hafted blade or a long bardiche or other such weapons, you typically have to dart forward to actually get into range to hit anyone with a shield, also in order to have the mobility to actually backpedal effectively, you need to go light armour with a high agi build, in other words you die in 1-2 hits and you do shit damage so you have to hit people a lot.
Buff 1handers.