Or is it just me?
I started a Thrower build with polearm wpf thinking i could use my throwing lances in melee or just throw them all then pick a sexy 4 directional polearm on the floor.
It is only when i arrived on the battlefield that the harsh truth hit me : 1h sword and maces everywhere, 2 handers everywhere...but no polearms some spears here and there from hoplites but that's all!
Where did all the polearms go? Think about it, when was the last time you came across a a polearm from the poleaxe family? a GLA? a long hafted blade? Ok you saw one, a lonely 4 directionale polearm user among 50 players on eu 1?
Another point, today on the strat battle i had the worst time trying to swing a bec de corbin, glancing off people around me or on the roof while morningstars were spamming their way through mobs and roofs.
what do you think?