Author Topic: Choose your Hero ( for each class )  (Read 9537 times)

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Offline Thassadar

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Choose your Hero ( for each class )
« on: February 25, 2013, 11:35:19 am »
Hey guys !

What about choose 1 hero who in each class this time ?  :P

For example ( my choice ) :

Archer: bagge ( I never talk with him but I admit he s pretty skilled )

Polearm : Greiffenhertz ( when he was risen I saw him in 1vs6 and he kills them all, what an autoblocker :D )

2h : Atze ( no need to write more ... )

Mauler : Melas ( My mentor, the best mauler I ever see, you miss meh .. :( . Thousands sieges with him )

Crossbower : ArtemRus ( He is a very good crossbower and if you considering the ping he is a genius :D )

Shielder : Daergar ( he was nearly unkillable many times )

Horse archer : Badly I don't know many people in this class so I can't choose  :| )

Thrower : Fin ( that crasy guy with that f... axes, always have a lot of fun with him )

Cav : The_Finn ( I never can forget this battle when we defininetly loose like sh... he was the last one against at least 10 people, and he manages to win :D . You miss Crpg ... )

Xbower+ cav : Same as horse archer  :(  )

Well, actually it's my choice about what I lived in Crpg. What about you ? :)

Thassadar, noobmauler

« Last Edit: February 25, 2013, 11:39:32 am by Thassadar »
En taro adun !!

Offline Prpavi

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Re: Choose your Hero ( for each class )
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2013, 11:42:08 am »
Archer: bagge, Kunio

Polearm : Dado, Craftybadger with pikes

2h : Chase, Bjord

Mauler : Vex

Crossbower : Dave

Shielder : Gnjus

Horse archer : Jackie

Thrower : Djavo

Cav : Assarhaddon, Leed

Xbower+ cav : my old friendS

Kinda oldmy old friend choices there, but these are the guys that impacted my gameplay the most and that i admired.

Dont see much skill these days, everybody just spams or shoots.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2013, 12:30:54 am by Prpavi »
And now he can't play because of "common sense" and he doesn't understand how this common sense works
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Re: Choose your Hero ( for each class )
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2013, 11:44:45 am »
Archer: Pelulu (that was it wasn't it?). First archer I saw play ridiculously on crpg, headshot everything.
HA: Tuonela
Cav: Leed
Xbow: Dave
Polearm: Chase (awlpike)
Jav Cav: Lorenzo (only know of a couple  :wink: )
1h/Shilder: Leoking

Mauler and 2h not so bothered  :P

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Re: Choose your Hero ( for each class )
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2013, 12:05:03 pm »
Another one of these threads? Ok here we go

Archer: Robinhood
Polearm : Tor
2h : Rufio
Mauler : Fuck them all. Vex.
Shielder : Rollo/Kansuke
Horse archer : Tuonela
Thrower : Ccoin2
Cav: Royanss
Hybrid: JackieChan, never been able to do even close to him with his builds.

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Re: Choose your Hero ( for each class )
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2013, 12:15:23 pm »
Archer: scor
Polearm (swing, poke) : Tor, zDevilbox
2h : Lezard
Mauler : JAHEIRA
Shielder : LoR
Horse archer : Tuonela
Thrower : Ccoin
Cav: Leed
Xbow: DaveUKR or Segd. Too tight to make up my mind.. :)
HX: Walker
Best all-rounder: Muffin

Edit: Added xbow

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« Last Edit: February 27, 2013, 02:56:51 am by Gurnisson »
I voted Gurnisson cause of his fucking bendy pike, I swear noone can roflcopter stab like he can.

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Re: Choose your Hero ( for each class )
« Reply #5 on: February 25, 2013, 12:16:57 pm »
Archer: bagge, Kunio, ROBINHOOD

Polearm : Prpavi (weaboo with bamboo spear takes dedication)

2h : they are all spammers anyway!

Mauler : I enjoyed clumsy Gnjus during his Maul phase :D

Crossbower : ArtemRUS

Shielder : BlueberryMuffin

Horse archer : Tuonela

Thrower : Djavo. Reyiz

Cav : Assarhaddon

Horse Xbower : Perverz (annoyingly accurate)
When west germany annexed east germany, nobody moved a finger too.

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Re: Choose your Hero ( for each class )
« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2013, 12:34:20 pm »
Time for the monthly circlejerk thread with a lot of clan bias. Yay! I am just going to name a lot of people even if they don't play the class anymore on their main, I won't be naming people that did good 2 years a go though.

Kiting my old friendcher: Jambi used to be impressive, but he doesn't really play anymore, so obvious choice is Bagge.

Swing polearm: Nord_Tor, unique style, has stuck with polearm through thick and thin.

OP Poke polearm: Gurnisson, Muffin, me or any of the other dozen people that can rock this pretty well.

OP Poke polearm with a shield: Me, muwhahaha

2h easy mode prick: Chase, I guess, although he plays a different class each day.

Crushthrough crutcher: Few are famously known for abusing crushthrough so I guess b0nk.

Crossbow easy mode abuse: DaveUKR, Segd rocks in Strat though

Leftswing spamming shieldnub: Jackie or something.

Annoying throwing prick: Mendro, god I hate Mendro.

Lance easy mode scrub: Schmacko was a crazy lancer recently enough.

Horseslash abuser: Royanss, like by far.

Horse archer my old friend: Tuonela

Horse crossbow prick: Rohypnol, heard he has a k/d of 8, jeez.

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Re: Choose your Hero ( for each class )
« Reply #7 on: February 25, 2013, 12:59:25 pm »
My "hero" of each class will be based on last year till today since i dont play mod that long so i dont know who was phyrex or the_Finn

Archer: ROBINHOOD: Bagge: Shokoshugi tiborur

Polearm : Teeth is annoying with that longspear:chase in his awlpike days: Tor has scary axe: TM is pretty impresive with that glaive:Herezy and that poleaxe:backlash scary guy :Knitler is abusing awlpike

2h : Chase, Bjord : hearst :and all other 2h heros

Mauler :Vex :bOnk (noob respeced to hoplite)

Crossbower : Dave :ArtemRUS is good for his ping

Shielder :Dalhi : Jackie Some of SB guys

Horse archer : BlackCorsair :metal warrior (sometihng like that) Goztepe

Thrower :Godwin: Mendro

Cav :Oberyn (god i hate that lance) Royanss (bestest 1h cav ever)

Big mouth : Bjord: Berenger : Zlisch
people are like potatoes, they come in different shapes and sizes and they all are beautifull
masturbating while looking in a mirror isnt wrong unless its the rear view mirror and you are driving a school buss.

it doesnt matter if you are happiest person or an unfortunate weeper, a powerfull beast or a terrifying creature. we are all equal, in the eyes of the reaper.

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Re: Choose your Hero ( for each class )
« Reply #8 on: February 25, 2013, 02:05:54 pm »
Well , mine:

Archer: Tiborur

Crossbower : Dave

Cav 1H* : Latvian / jeanne_la_pucelle
(*for bump section : Itchy)

Cav lance : Oberyn

Two handers : Atze

Polearm : Herezy

Hoplite : Teeth

Shielder : El_pigeon

Thrower : Ccoin2

Swiss knife : Muffin

Offline LordRichrich

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Re: Choose your Hero ( for each class )
« Reply #9 on: February 25, 2013, 03:20:15 pm »
Anything that is foot melee, Greifenhertz, Irwad or whatever alt he's playing on.

Archery, shoshshshuking tibouorouourour, or blackbow

Xbow, Dave

Cav, Kapikulu_Leed, even if I havent seen him in forever

Thrower, fanny_lopes

Offline Blueberry Muffin

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Re: Choose your Hero ( for each class )
« Reply #10 on: February 25, 2013, 04:34:36 pm »
1h: Fallen_Cyber, not as good as he used to be but was the best eu shielder imo, I like his agressive playstyle.
2h: Tyr, for his weird playstyle with a greatsword.
Mauler: Vex, who else?
Swing Pole: Tor, Herezy.
Poke Pole: Gurnisson, Teeth, ofc Chase is good but those two are better imo as Chase sometimes plays quite arrogant like I do. :D
Lancer: Huey Newton.
1h Cav: Lizardman will always be my hero as 1h cav, he is a great two hander aswell but I will never forget the insane scores he racked up when we joined Mercs at the same time.
HA/HX: Elmer who is the least my old friendgit GK.
Thrower: Mendro, Godwin, ultimate cunt brigade. Byzantium think they got it bad, these two bastards maliciously aim for me.  :evil:
Crossbowman: Gotta be Dave.
Archer: Zerobot1, Bagge.

Lizard_Man: Fuck all that! Rather buy me 4 cans of Stella..
Cymro: Wife beater stella
Lizard_Man: It'll get ya drunk! You'll be fucking fat girls in no time! You might even fight a nigga or two! Mmmm-mmm, bitch!

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Re: Choose your Hero ( for each class )
« Reply #11 on: February 25, 2013, 04:45:23 pm »
Rename thread prz: Choose your EU hero
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 - Stolen from Macropussy

Offline Blueberry Muffin

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Re: Choose your Hero ( for each class )
« Reply #12 on: February 25, 2013, 04:56:56 pm »
Lizard_Man: Fuck all that! Rather buy me 4 cans of Stella..
Cymro: Wife beater stella
Lizard_Man: It'll get ya drunk! You'll be fucking fat girls in no time! You might even fight a nigga or two! Mmmm-mmm, bitch!

Offline Osiris

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Re: Choose your Hero ( for each class )
« Reply #13 on: February 25, 2013, 05:25:29 pm »
I thought it would be blindingly obvious that most EU players would only have EU heroes :D i missed the part that said NA wasn't allowed to post?
i make terrible warband videos!

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Re: Choose your Hero ( for each class )
« Reply #14 on: February 25, 2013, 05:26:58 pm »
No need for any NA to post because we all know I'm everyone's hero.