Dear Community
Yesterday I joined the EU_cRPG_4 server. Our Clan, the AngloSaxons play often on this server. There was another player who banned permanently me:
AngloSaxon_Prince_Askelsax. Whitout any reason or whitout warning. The only possible reason could be my question: Why did
you ban another player without warning. This could not be a reason for a permanent ban for all servers. The name of the person who banned me is Erzengel_HRE.
Why is he banning people without a warning or a reason? Thats not gentlemen like. It would be amazing when another person is admin on the servers. If
somebody should be banned with a reason it is good, but when somebody get banned because of a simple question, then its not ok. please unban me.
Yours faithfully,
AngloSaxon_Prince_Askelsax aka. Thorwald