As one of the early beta tester and founder for both CN cRPG & Aus cRPG, certainly I wish that every region will have it's own Strat. Mainly because the game play experience for Warband is really depands on the Ping issues. On the other hand, if u do look deeper, its also kind linked with a culture and language matter since the Strat is not just about killing and lvling, its a more comprehensive game involving strategy and diplomatic. Ur personal skills in Strat will not be really notable, but instead its a game that require players combine their forces and conquer the world.
I do have talked about establishing a separate Strat with chadz and meow a long time age, but at that time, the server donation for CN is still kind on the edge so we really didn't discussed any furthur. I am very glad that Ptx has brought this out again and I also do understand the extra costs and burdens will lay on cRPG development team. I really hope that there were something that we (Chinses Players) could do about for the cRPG and its community, and hopefully this time there will be a new CN Strat server.